Beloved ones in Christ, People of India celebrate Republic Day - TopicsExpress


Beloved ones in Christ, People of India celebrate Republic Day on the 26th January every year to commemorate the date on which the Constitution of India came into force in the year 1950 replacing the Govt. of India Act 1935. India attained independence on 15th August 1947 from the British Colonel Powers after a long 200 years. Under the leadership of Great Mahatma Gandhi launched a country wide movement and colonel powers were transferred to India on themidnight of 14th August, 1947. Actual struggle for independence began in 1857 with the Sepoy Mutiny in Meerut. The Indian flag was designed by Pingali Venkaya, a writer and geophysicist in 1916. But till 1950 India did not have permanent constitution of its own and were functioning under the British Law. During the celebration President of India hoist the Indian Tricolour Flag and each state celebrate so. There will be kites flying symbolizing Independent Day, a free spirit of India. At Red Fort in Delhi Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru unveiled India’s flag on 15.08.1947. Martyrs and heroes who showed their courage for country’s sake without counting their lives is remembered in that day. People exchanges Republic Day messages and express their joy. Though India celebrates Independence and Republic every year without fail, people of India could not receive a true deliverance. Republic Day and Independence are also celebrated with strong protection by police, military, navy and air force. True deliverance is only at Calvary of Jesus. Every child of God should hoist the flag of love at Calvary. Our war is not against human being but with evil powers and spiritual wickedness in high places (Eph.6:12). For the mankind who are slave under sin, sickness and curses, Jesus launched a universal movement against the kingdom of Satan and brought deliverance for the mankind on the Cross of Calvary. As Israelites were delivered from Egypt in themidnight (Exo.12:29-31), Jesus delivered His people in the midnight (a New Era started) (Rom.10:4) made a show of the power of Satan openly and triumphed over them (Col. 2:15). He has delivered us from the kingdom of darkness (Satan’s power) and brought us to the kingdom of His dear Son (Church) (Col.1:13) so that we may celebrate a true Independence. Even after independence India had to follow the constitutional laws of British for few years. Likewise even after salvation experience we are ruled by our old natures some extent but after receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit God writes His sovereign laws in our fleshy hearts (2 Cor.3:1-3) so that henceforth we may live according to that law. Each country which received deliverance got own flag. Mahatma Gandhi told that “we need a common flag to live and die for”. God has given a common flag – banner of love (SS 2:4) for His godly saints so that it may hoist for the sake of truth (Psa.60:4). Indian flag is tricolour; - saffron, white and green. Dr. Radhakrishnan said, white in the centre is light, the path of truth to guide our conduct. There is a wheel having 24 spokes about which he said, the wheel denotes the motion – the dynamism of a peaceful change 24 hours a day. There are certain rules for flag hoisting and one among them is that no other flag can be placed higher than it. We should not love anything more than God. We should proclaim the gospel of peace of Jesus Christ hoisting the banner of Calvary’s love. We receive not only deliverance through Christ, we have to celebrate victory over Satan’s rule and lead a peaceful life on this earth all through our life.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 10:18:25 +0000

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