Below, an all-new brief article for Living magazines. Please have - TopicsExpress


Below, an all-new brief article for Living magazines. Please have a read and let me know your thoughts. For the website, Im tempted to write further regarding gym-related sports and methods of training (e.g. powerlifting, bodybuilding, CrossFit), but these may be best left for another article. Let me know your thoughts on this also. Thanks :) Article: Training Spice and Avoiding Aggravation: Exercise Variants Exercise selections may be predetermined by your sport or endeavour; it can equally be determined by mindset and knowledge. In past articles, you’ll note that I always suggest ancillary lifts alongside, or as an alternative to, more generic lifts. Increasing your available repertoire of movements can prove useful in adding variety to your training, they’re also an invaluable aid in the circumstance of niggle or injury; allowing the ability to achieve sufficient stimulus without making a matter worse. As an example, we’ll use one of the most-respected lifts: the Barbell Squat. I’m not for one moment suggesting that you do not perform a barbell squat; it should be a staple of your workout regime! What I will suggest is that sometimes a variant may be preferential. Okay, so here are some examples with the Barbell Squat... trainer issue: an alternate exercise. Tight Achilles Tendon: Hack Squats (machine or smith machine). Shoulder restriction: Front Squat or Safety Squat Bar. Tight Patellar Tendon: Hack Squats to parallel. Hip shift: Wider-Stance Squat (& consciously push feet out against the floor). Tight Hamstrings: Squat to parallel only. Lower back stiffness: Leg Blaster Squats. Lower back pain/ strain: Hip Belt Squats. Exercise variations can be found with every major movement. Personally, I find variations more appropriate than pain relief or using an external support (e.g. weightlifting belt, tape, wraps). Whilst these variants do not address fixing a complaint, they can help avoid aggravating an existing issue. In some circumstances, you may know the root cause; in others, you may not. Find the cause of the problem and look to resolve it; in the meantime, try not to make a matter worse. For more expert advice, please visit Matt’s comprehensive free-online-resource GymProfessor . Copyright (C) Gym Professor 2014
Posted on: Sun, 27 Apr 2014 14:36:20 +0000

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