Below is another fantastic article on a scientific study of how - TopicsExpress


Below is another fantastic article on a scientific study of how essential oils kill bacteria in the cells. I think it is truly worth reading. Before you read it please look at our story, because it is a testimonial to the effectiveness of Essential Oil Therapy. I keep sharing our story because it’s true. We have an 9 year old son with PANDAS who we have been using Essential Oils and he is totally off medication and completely symptom free. No more tics, no more eye rolling, no more head shaking, no more OCD. When I share our story many people feel it’s too good to be true, others have even attacked us claiming that we are trying to promote ourselves rather than hope for healing. I understand being afraid to get your hopes up…I was there too. However, I hope you will read the article because there is so much science behind essential oils and their ability to penetrate the cells of the body and eradicate bacteria and viruses, reduce inflammation, and stop the auto-immune response. The problem is that western medicine cannot patent them and pharmaceutical companies can’t profit from there is no incentive to study them or even use them. As for us, we had enough of all the medication that was not working anyway, and made our son even sicker…and quite frankly prednisone, amox, valacyclovir, Valtrex and Motrin offered US little to know no hope of a cure. At the end of the day, we just wanted our son back and would have tried just about anything. I know not everybody is willing to give it a try, and thats a decision each person has to make on their own, but the truth is Essential oil therapy changed our son, and now I want to shout it from the rooftops. How could I not share it… it completely turned his life around. I feel bad about all the doubters, naysayers, and negative voices that say dont try it... it won’t work, but truthfully you came too late for us...because we had an open mind and we did try it… and it actually worked. Please read the article; because knowledge is power. If you’re interested contact me, I will be happy to share more with you and our “PANDAS protocol.” If youre not interested please dont be upset with me for caring enough to share our story with you. As always we wish you and your family all the very best. Joann & William Cook Contact us at: thecooks516@aol Scientific Study on How Bacterial Cells Are killed by Oregano Essential Oil. (Review of a research study printed in the Journal of Applied Microbiology, 2001.) Contained in Oregano Essential Oil (OEO) are two active substances, named thymol and carvacrol, and two polyphenols. In 2001 a group of scientists at Unilever Research Colworth, United Kingdom and the Agricultural University of Athens, Greece performed a study to determine the mechanism by which Oregano Essential Oil, thymol and carvacrol killed bacteria. The scientists studied the effects of Oregano Essential oil, thymol and carvacrol on two bacteria: Staphylococcus aureus (gram positive) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (gram negative). They hypothesized that the active ingredients damaged the cellular membrane. Bacterial cells must have an intact cellular membrane to live. The membrane separates the internal working parts of the cell from the damaging effects of the environment it lives in. If the cellular membrane is dam¬aged, the cell can no longer protect itself from its environment and subsequently dies. Three tests were utilized by the researchers to prove that bacterial cell membranes were indeed damaged by Oregano Essential Oil, thymol and carvacrol 1) Ethidium bromide stain, 2) The intracellular pH change, 3) The phosphate and potassium content of the fluid surrounding the cells. Ethidium Bromide Stain Ethidium bromide is a substance that stains the DNA contained in a bacterial cell’s nucleus. Living cells have a healthy, intact membrane and will not allow the stain into their interior, and thus their nuclei will not be stained. Dead cells or cells with damaged membranes cannot keep the stain out of their nucleus. The ethidium bromide dye was added to the fluid containing the cells. The control group of cells had only the dye added. The test group of cells had both the dye and Oregano Essential Oils, thymol or carvacrol added. All of the cells were incubated for 10 minutes, then examined under a microscope to see whether the dye had penetrated the cellular membrane and stained the nucleus. None of the control cells showed any staining of their nuclei. When the Oregano Essential Oils, thymol or carvacrol was added to the test group, 90% of both the S. aureus and the P. aeruginosa cells showed stain in their nuclei. From this data we can conclude that the active ingredients damaged or killed 90% of the gram positive and gram negative cells that they encountered within 10 minutes. Intracellular pH Change When the pH (acidity) of the liquid solution surrounding bacterial cells is different than the pH inside of the cells they will slowly modify their interior pH to match that of their surroundings. This transition takes place slowly, because it takes time for the cells to transfer acidic and basic ions across their plasma membrane. If the membrane is damaged in any way the pH inside the cells will change more quickly. S. aureus and P. aeruginosa cells were initially placed in a fluid that had a pH of 5.95 and allowed to normalize. The fluid was then adjusted down to a pH of 5.05. After 2 hours the pH within the bacterial cells was also down to 5.05. The same test was done again, however in this case Oregano Essential Oil was added to the mixture. With the addition of Oregano Essential Oil it took only 30 minutes for the internal pH of the cells to adjust down to 5.05. (Fig. 1) This again suggests that the Oregano Essential Oil did significant damage to the plasma membrane of the bacterial cells, allowing the interior pH to change more quickly. Extracellular Phosphate and Potassium Ion Concentration A control and a test culture of S. aureus and P. aeruginosa were again placed in a fluid medium. Oregano Essential Oil was added only to the test cultures. The fluid surrounding the cells in the test cultures had significantly higher concentrations of phosphate and potassium than the control cultures.(Fig. 2) This again suggests that the Oregano Essential Oil damaged the plasma membrane of the bacterial cells allowing the phosphate and potassium ions to escape into the surrounding fluid. Conclusion All three of the tests done in this research study lead to one common theme. The Oregano Essential Oil contains two main organic polyphenols, thymol and carvacrol. These organic polyphenols act within minutes to have a very damaging effect on the plasma membranes of both gram positive and gram negative bacteria. Contact me to hear how we stopped our son’s PANDAS symptoms using a PANDAS ESSENTIAL OILS PROTOCOL. Joann Cook: thecooks516@aol A study of the minimum inhibitory concentration and mode of action of oregano essential oil, thymol and carvacrol. ©2001 The Society for Applied Microbiology, Journal of Applied Microbiology,
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 01:11:11 +0000

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