Below is my open letter response to Cadence Woodlands recent New - TopicsExpress


Below is my open letter response to Cadence Woodlands recent New York Times Op-Ed piece, The End of the Mormon Moment, nytimes/2014/07/15/opinion/the-end-of-the-mormon-moment.html?_r=0. Dear Ms. Woodland: 1. You certainly have the right and knowledge to dictate when your own personal Mormon Moment has ended, but issuing a proverbial extermination order to the entire Mormon religion of 15 million members will not bring the same conclusion. 2. For nearly 200 years, individuals intolerant of Mormon Moments have made it their cause to persecute and bring an end to the Mormon religion. The religious discrimination and persecution endured by the early saints included the murder of the Prophet Joseph Smith at the hands of an intolerant government sanctioned mob, a state issued extermination order, the murdering of many innocent men, women and children, the raping of our women, the robbing of land and personal property, and expulsion from communities. The Church survived all this in its infancy, and we will survive your Op-Ed piece. 3. The most important Mormon Moment or Moments in my life have not been centered on increased secular acceptance or a rise in social popularity. Rather for me, and I believe most practicing Latter Day Saints, our Mormon Moments are very sacred and personal, and founded and centered on a belief in Jesus Christ. My Mormon Moments happen when baptizing my children, listening to them deliver an innocent talk about Christ in Primary, studying about Christ in the Bible and Book of Mormon, personal prayer, serving my family, or worshipping in the Temple. These are the small and sacred Mormon moments that allow me to feel closer to God, and that I desperately need to be a better father, husband and human being. These Mormon Moments are available to all and Christ is available to all who seek Him. These Mormon Moments will never end, unless by choice. 4. I respect your freedom to end your membership, but please dont declare mine dead. I have many unanswered questions. I know my life and my familys lives are better because of what this Church teaches concerning the doctrine of Christ. A doctrine of love, forgivingness, repentance and charity. The Church may go through times of changing or fluctuating practices, but the central figure of Christ in Mormonism has always stayed constant, and will never end.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 03:12:41 +0000

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