Benched, CRAP, Are you obsessed with Opportunity or committed to - TopicsExpress


Benched, CRAP, Are you obsessed with Opportunity or committed to excuses. Tuesday morning my wife and I got up early and headed to see a doc Logan for a 4 hour out patient surgery. The surgery had been planned so I was well prepared and ready for the recovery. The surgery went well and what I wasnt prepared for was the post operative instructions, No swimming, running, lifting, heavy weights, horse back riding or physical stress of any kind for 6 weeks. I know some of you have seen and experienced what a critical part physical exercise, activity, and running has become in my life. Fitness is an essential part of my mental game as well. Within 3 days of the surgery I can feel the anger creeping into my life due to no daily physical activity. I have been reeling the last 24 hours about how to create an opportunity to stay connected to my health and fitness without being physically active. I am committed to following the doctors orders and success of the procedure period, even if it means sacrifice of my physical and mental game for 6 weeks. I am currently working on meditations and clean eating so when I get back in the game I am lighter and more focused. I am committed to researching tips and techniques on how to improve my running and training so I am better prepared to train more efficiently and with greater commitment. I am committed to keeping my goal of six pack abs by the time the time the snow flies, the path to success just gets to look allot differently than I had planned. I want to take the time to thank my amazing wife Jenny who has crushed my idea of what service and care for a spouse looks like. She sets a high bar and I only can prepare for if the time arrives that I have the opportunity to serve her in the same fashion. I am open to ideas and opportunitys to stay on my game with restrictions so dont be afraid to post if you have any.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 16:13:22 +0000

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