Benjamin Franklin wrote in a personal letter, “…in this world - TopicsExpress


Benjamin Franklin wrote in a personal letter, “…in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes!” Every minute on earth, 108 people die. Ultimately, everyone dies. It is not a matter of if, but when. Sadly, and due to a wide variety of reasons and circumstances, some seek death, considering it the only solution. Others try to delay the inevitable through good health. Still others tragically lose their lives through time and chance. Sometimes disease or other illnesses bring a death sentence, leaving a person with nothing to do but wait for the end. Many view the end of their lives with uneasiness. They ponder, “What’s next?” “Will I live again?” “Is this it?” “Will I ever see my loved ones again?” “Where am I going after this life?” In contrast, others view death with fear of the unknown. Some fear the process and the suffering that may accompany death. Others, racked with guilt, have a different type of fear; fear that they will burn forever in “hell fire.” “Burn baby, burn.” Whatever the viewpoint, feelings or circumstances of one’s life; ultimately, life ends. Because of this unavoidable reality, every person at some point in his or her life thinks about the subject of death. What about you? Have you ever considered where you are heading? Some live fast paced lives, never stopping to consider such a large question. On the other hand, most who are religious; including adherents of traditional Christianity think they know what happens when one dies. Yet they may be surprised to learn that religions of this world have deceived them about what occurs at death. Maybe we should quit listening to what the preachers says is truth and look in the Bible and find out what is really true. Just because a preacher says something, is he really telling what the Bible says or what he learned in minister school? It’s your life we are talking about so don’t put it in the hands of those who stand behind the pulpit or even what I am putting out there. Read and study your Bible and then maybe you’ll see a different perspective of what the real truth is about. It’s your dollar, spend it the way you want to, no the way others want you to spend it.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Jun 2013 17:07:12 +0000

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