Beyond Good and Evil: Illumination - The Secret Religion ~ An - TopicsExpress


Beyond Good and Evil: Illumination - The Secret Religion ~ An extraordinary dichotomy exists between Western and Eastern religious thinking. No one in the mainstream media ever draws any attention to it. It is never discussed. Its ramifications are never considered. Why not? Why is this particular debate never allowed to happen? Who is it that benefits from ensuring that ordinary people are never confronted with the astounding differences between Western and Eastern religions? One thing is certain: either everyone in the East is going to hell, or the Western believers are the most deluded people in history, utterly and spectacularly wrong to a degree that can only be labelled insane. A critical question arises - was Western religious thinking ever compatible with Eastern religion and, if it was, what caused the astonishing divergence of later history, and what became of those Western religions that were once in harmony with the East? By Western religion we mean Abrahamism - Judaism, Christianity and Islam (there are many Muslims in the East, of course, but Islam defines itself with regard to Judaism and Christianity). Eastern refers to Hinduism, Buddhism and Taoism. All other religions are just variations on these themes. So, what is the critical difference between West and East in terms of religion? West (Faith) Versus East (Self-Knowledge) The Western religions assert that there is an all-knowing, all-seeing, all-powerful being - God - that exists outside space, time and the cosmos. This being has always existed and will always exist. He is infinitely perfect. He is incapable of error. He can commit no evil. He is the maximum expression of any conceivable possibility of excellence. He is entirely self-sufficient and flawless. He needs nothing. He is not dependent on anything. He stands outside the universe. The universe is his creation, but he is not part of it. It is not of the same substance as God. He could end the universe at any time of his choosing, but he himself would not thereby come to an end. God and the universe are, in this view, distinct and separate. God, not the universe, is the supreme mystery. The universe is completely explicable in terms of God, but completely inexplicable if we understand nothing of the thinking, modus operandi and plan of God. He is beyond any scientific or philosophical analysis as to his substance, origins and evolution. He just IS. He is the ultimate brute fact of existence. We just have to accept that existence at its most fundamental level is eternal perfection in the shape of a flawless being of infinite knowledge, power and capacity called God. Theres no point, say the Abrahamists, in asking WHY? The starting point of existence is PERFECTION, hence cannot improve, cannot get any better - yet the obvious fact of our lives on earth is that imperfection is everywhere. How can this discrepancy be accounted for? Why is the starting point of existence not IMPERFECTION that then evolves towards perfection? Then we would have no difficulty in explaining the imperfections of this world. But such questions are neither answered nor permitted by Abrahamists. Now, if the universe consisted of the sun, the earth, the sky, the moon and nothing else then it would indeed seem as if the universe were created. But the universe is large beyond imagining, so large that there is no way experimentally for us to know whether or not it is infinite. What, exactly, is the function served by a universe so vast that almost all of it will never be seen or known by us? Why would God create anything so spectacularly unnecessary? If its not unnecessary then what purpose is it serving? Plainly, it cannot be a purpose that has any connection with humanity since it is far beyond any possibility of human contact or direct knowledge. Indeed, the humans of two thousand years ago had no knowledge whatever of galaxies beyond ours. So humanity is therefore not special. No Abrahamist has ever attempted to answer these basic questions. They are simply ignored along with all the other inconvenient questions. There was a time when the Catholic Church actually killed people who dared to deny that the earth was the centre of the universe or who claimed that the universe was infinite. The Church rightly saw how deadly these ideas were to the truth of the Bible. Rather than debate the evidence and the logic, the Church preferred to eliminate the opposition, like some sort of ancient Mafia. What the Church refused to confront was that if the earth is the centre of the cosmos, why is anything else needed? Indeed why is a moon needed, or a sun? Why not just the earth, and nothing else? Why darkness and light? Why not permanent light? If God, the Creator, can do anything he likes, why did he create something that doesnt look anything like a designed Creation? That, instead, looks like the outcome of natural processes involving an infinite profusion of energy and matter? A universe that consisted of nothing but a flat earth inhabited by a few thousand people would qualify as an unambiguous creation. An infinitely large universe full of countless stars and planets, almost all of them hidden forever from humanity, might be considered proof that there is no Abrahamic God because the human race has no conceivable importance in such a universe: it is but an infinitely small speck of dust. There would be no conceivable reason for the Son of God or any Messiah, prophet or angel to visit the earth, since earth would simply be one of an infinite number of worlds. Infinity kills the Abrahamic God stone dead because it reduces the apparent significance of the human race and the planet Earth to zero. There is no possible reason why a Creator God would create an infinite number of something when he could create just one of that thing. Why have infinite stars rather than one? Why have infinite planets rather than one? If YOU were the Creator, would you create one thing on which you lavished all of your attention, and which would be infinitely special to you, or would you create an infinite number of things, thereby making each of them devoid of any special significance? Abrahamists act as if earth were the only planet in the universe, and the sun the only star. In fact, modern astronomy has taken pictures of stars almost incomprehensibly far away from us, and there is no reason to consider that there arent an infinite number beyond those. Only the insane would conclude that earth was the focus of the universe and the Creator. There isnt any evidence to support such a conclusion. It all points the other way. Galileo was put on trial by the Roman Catholic Inquisition because the Church understood all too well that to prove that the earth wasnt the centre of the universe was to prove that the Creator God didnt exist. A Creator God puts his creation in the centre, as his jewel. He does not make it a hurtling rock in an inconsequential solar system in a nondescript quadrant of an unexceptional galaxy in an infinitely large cosmos. He does not populate the universe with black holes and supermassive black holes, with dark matter and dark energy, with quantum vacuum fluctuations. What possible function do these serve in respect of the Created Earth, Gods infinitely special treasure on which his attention is always focused? NONE AT ALL. The Abrahamists say that God is watching all of us - that he has a special relationship with each and every one of us, that he is a personal God of salvation. The Jews say that they are Gods specially chosen people and that he has promised them a Messiah. The Christians say that God sent his own Son to atone for our sins. The Muslims say that God wrote the Koran for us and delivered it via the Angel Gabriel to an illiterate desert tribesman called Mohammed. None of this would make one particle of sense if the cosmos were infinitely large. If you are an Abrahamist, you are logically obliged to reject science in every regard. You believe in a God who stands outside the universe, who has a personal relationship with you (you can pray to him and he may directly intervene in your life), who sends bearded prophets and holy books, angels and saints. He performs miracles, loves martyrs, sacrifices his Son for us (from the Christian perspective). Sadly, he doesnt stop evil, and doesnt seem to be able to communicate his message very well. Which is his true Holy Book - the Torah, the Bible or the Koran? Who is his prophet? Moses, Jesus or Mohammed? If Jesus is his Son, why do the Jews and Muslims reject Jesus? Who are the Chosen People - the Jews, the Christians or the Muslims? Why do the Muslim Abrahamists think that the other Abrahamists are going to hell? Why do the Christian Abrahamists think that the other Abrahamists are going to hell? Why do the Jews still think that only they will be saved? Why do Catholic Christians think that Protestant Christians are going to hell? Why do Protestant Christians call the Catholic Pope the Antichrist? And why does no Eastern religion buy into any of this? Does Abrahamism make any sense at all? Is the human race, or a huge part of it, actually mad? Is the planet Earth a cosmic lunatic asylum? Is it hell? Are human beings crazy fantasists who are prepared to believe anything? It seems that for something to be impossibly far-fetched is no disqualification: it is mandatory. Are human beings so badly brainwashed and mind controlled that they will subscribe to any irrational, laughable garbage formulated by any charismatic psychopath or nutter? Can people convince themselves of anything at all, without limit, even to the extent of thinking that GOD, the infinitely perfect and powerful Creator, was born of a human virgin in a stable in a dusty, insignificant part of an ancient Empire and crucified to death 2,000 years ago? Continues @ nexusilluminati.blogspot/2014/07/beyond-good-and-evil-illumination.html
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 13:56:46 +0000

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