...Beyond the machinations of financiers and occult ideologues who - TopicsExpress


...Beyond the machinations of financiers and occult ideologues who direct global institutions-by showing the that behind their matrix of illusion-which most citizens perceive as reality- is an arena of supernaturalism under which these old human conduits are willingly organized.In more than 30 important biblical texts. the Greek New Testament employs the term kosmos, which describes an invisible order or government behind the government. It is here that human ego, separated from God becomes hostile to the service of mankind while viewing people as commodities to be manipulated in the ministration of fiendish ambition. To some the origin s of this phenomenon began in the distant past,when a fire in the minds ( George Bush term) of angels caused Lucifer to exalt himself above the God of creation. The once glorified spirit was driven mad by an unequivocle thirst to rule,conquer, and dominate. His fall spawned similar lust between his followers, which continues to this day among human agents of dark power who guard a privileged cause and effect relationship with diabolical forces and the opportunity for lordship over societies. The objectives of the secret order and the very real forces they serve are seldom perceived by citizens of democratic societies who choose to believe national officials actually rule their countries and represent their interests. Yet according to sacred texts, not only does an active collaboration exist between unregenerate social architects and fallen angels, but politicians in particular are vulnerable to principalities and powers. Padre Gabriele Amorth who has performed more than seventy thousand exorcisms said Evil exists in politics, quite often in fact. the devil loves to take over those who hold political office. US Presidents may be unaware of their role as chess pieces on terrestrial game board sliding in and out of position as they are moved about by the god of this world. see 2 corinthians 4;4. If researchers like Dr Stanley Monteith are correct,and world governments are to this day influenced by the dark angelic powers, the elite who head the current push to establish the New world Order are directly connected with an antichrist system whether they know it or not. With vivid testimony Satan offered to Jesus all the power and the glory of the kingdoms of this world. He said All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me: and to whomever i will I give it. Of thou therefore wilt worship me all shall be thine. Luke4;6-7
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 18:55:52 +0000

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