Bhagawan Nityananda: EsBLESSo cOffee ~ For years Bhagawan - TopicsExpress


Bhagawan Nityananda: EsBLESSo cOffee ~ For years Bhagawan #Nityananda only took food from someones hand, and the food was very simple: some fruit, a few vegetables or dal, little rice and sometimes Coffee which was his favorite drink, so much so that he also used the word Coffee in one stanza of his teachings in the Chidakasha Gita - “You can live without food or without drinking coffee for five days. But you cannot live for five minutes without breathing.” ~ It was the 08th of August`1961. Bhagawan Nityananda was asleep in the main hall of the Bangalore Walla Building in #Ganeshpuri. On the street, just outside of the Bangalore Walla Building, was a small beverage stand run by a devotee who suffered from a lifelong skin disease. Day in and day out, this man served coffee and tea to those coming and going to the Ashram to have Nityanandas darshan. For years, he had one secret desire that a cup of coffee that he made would be served to Nityananda. At around four oclock Bhagawan Nityananda sent Madhav Hegde, to bathe. Returning Hedge offered to pour some coffee into the Masters mouth but the devotee in the next room woke up and told him to stop, saying that his plan was to bathe and then prepare Nityanandas coffee himself and the yogi waved the engineer aside. But when the other devotee went for his bath, Hedge ran down to the hotel and asked the grateful manager to prepare a strong cup of coffee for Baba. Knowing that this might be his only chance to have his secret desire fulfilled, the beverage stand owner made the best coffee of his life, excited that Bhagawan would, at last, drink his coffee. He knew that, since Hegde was one of Baba’s old devotees, his coffee would surely reach Baba. Hegde took the cup of coffee to Nityananda, gave HIM some of the coffee to drink and then departed, leaving him in the care of the others wishing to attend him The wish of the beverage stand owner was finally fulfilled. ~ In the early days Nityananda had served Sugar Cane juice to the visiting devotees and when asked Why so? He replied saying, Why? Because it is this ones juice. However, on that morning of 08th of August`1961, Nityananda requested Coffee and food for those present, something he had been doing for several months. ~ Captain M.U. Hatengdi narrates his experience: I spent a weekend every month in Ganeshpuri, often alone with the Master. Punctually at ten oclock every night, he asked me to retire & every morning at four o’clock, HE would wake me up. I would rise at once, bathe, and then Nityananda would join me for Coffee, usually served black and sweetened with ghee (clarified butter) because milk was scarce. The affection he showed me was evident when we sat by ourselves after these morning coffee sessions.” ~ Baba Nityananda also used to personally offer coffee to all the children. Since, Ganeshpuri was remote village cut off from cities; the children were not familiar with coffee. They used to throw away the liquid part of the coffee and eat the coffee slurry that remained at bottom. ~ Once during late evening, Nityananda was drinking his cup of coffee sitting on the low wall in the back of his hut. His back was turned to the jungle. Just then a huge tiger approached towards Nityananda from the jungle. Some devotees tried to warn HIM but Nityananda very calmly continued to sip his Coffee. And when the tiger reached Nityananda, he stood up on his rear legs and placed his massive paws on the Bhagawan’s shoulders and just stood there for a while after which quietly returned back to the jungle. ~ A long time devotee, Smt.Sunita Shenoy once installed a life size photo of Bhagawan Nityananda on the wall in her puja room. Thereafter she lived as if Swami Nityananda was ever present in the house and every morning, offered a large glass of Coffee to Nityananda by placing it in front of his photo. ~ sOurce: Nityananda: In Divine Presence by Swami Chetanananda and M.U.Hatengdi / / ‘The Endless One’ by Gopalkrishna Shenoy and ezinearticles
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 10:59:31 +0000

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