Bible Etc. June 17, 2014 - TopicsExpress


Bible Etc. June 17, 2014 I am committed daily to reading daily from the Old Testament; also from the New; something from the Qur’an; and a hadith. And, I am posting daily comments on Facebook. OT Reading the CEV (Contemporary English Version) in course. Psalm 11. God is my fortress. He wants what is right. Psalm 12. God is my help while the wicked keep strutting. NT now reading in course. Acts 4:1-31. Peter and John who have healed a sick man are brought before the council, who warn them never again to speak in the name of Jesus. The council lets them go with a warning. Peter and John and the others pray for courage. Is polon a horse or a donkey? An important way to understand Jesus riding a donkey/colt/whatever into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday is that He is fulfilling Zechariah 9:9. The KING is riding into Jerusalem. By this act, Jesus is proclaiming that He Himself is a King. Qur’an 9:64-72 Hypocrites order what is wrong and forbid what is right. God has sent various messengers: Noah, ‘Ad, Thamud, Abraham, Midian, and the various ruined cities. The believers order what is right and forbid the wrong, they keep up prayer and pay the prescribed alms, and they obey God and His Messenger. Believers will be in Gardens graced with flowing streams. Hadith. Sahih Al-Bukhari. Book 4. Chapter 54 Verse 178. Page 133. A disgusting thing put on his back while praying (camel entrails) does not negate the Salat=prayers offered by the Prophet. The Messenger then prayed that God would punish those who had done such a thing. Blood sugar 75. Blood pressure before exercise 130/73. My weight has ticked back down to 210#. Now I am 80# under my gross maximum of 290#, and there still remain 30# of fat and blubber to get my goal of 180#. I have accomplished 74% of goal, with 26% remaining. This is my 177th day of Royal Canadian Air Force exercises so on the second chart, I am finally on level D-. I did eleven sit-ups of eleven, and need to do so for one more consecutive day so I can advance to the next level. Yesterday I saw Addie and posted a picture to Facebook; went to Harmon’s Photo to have two CDs made up for Father Chris and Mother Amy, ordained on Sunday. Was in the yard for 1 ½ hours. Yes, I am a little sore; and feeling good. Also I went to an American Legion supper in Hawthorne. I wish I knew who made the cabbage casserole…it was the best! Today, tidy around the house, and a social day. Come Thursday at 1 pm I will be at Dr. Stoer’s for a skin cancer treatment involving a chemical and 16 minutes and 40 seconds of a blue light. I will then need to stay out of the sun for 48 hours. I have read up on this procedure and feel pretty good about it, and I do trust the medical recommendation of Dr. Stoer. All of my friends and acquaintances are invited to Addie and my 31st wedding anniversary on Wed. June 25 at 2 pm in the dining room of Williston rehab, 300 NW 1 Ave., Williston, FL.
Posted on: Tue, 17 Jun 2014 10:03:23 +0000

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