Biblical scholar Joseph Atwill has allegedly discovered historical - TopicsExpress


Biblical scholar Joseph Atwill has allegedly discovered historical documents that prove conclusively that the life and ministry of Jesus Christ (Yeshua) was based not only on many deities and events that predated his supposed existence, but also that of Roman Emperor Titus Flavius. As I wrote in a 2011 article for Huffington Post, many people are familiar with the Winter Solstice. For those who are not, it’s when the sun reaches it’s lowest point in the sky on Dec. 21, appearing to stop moving for three days, then rising again on Dec. 25. It is commonly accepted that the “Birth of the Son” was appropriated from the “Return of the Sun.” The three wise men are believed to be based on the three stars of Orion’s Belt — also referred to as “The Three Kings” — and astronomy tells us that they appear to follow the bright star, Sirius, who over the years has evolved into Mary, the Virgin Mother. Besides the fact that December 25 is relevant to a long list of deities throughout antiquity who pre-date Jesus, from Persia’s pagan Sun God Mithra to Egypt’s Horus and Ra, to Syria’s Baal, Rome’s Sol Invictus and Greece’s Helios, it wasn’t until the year 350 A.D., that Pope Julius I declared that the “Christ-Mass” would be held on Dec. 25, to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Though Biblical scholars have debated that the declared celebration is not his actual birthday, the argument that Jesus himself is a myth has been dismissed as nothing short of incendiary conspiracy theory. Atwill claims that he now has concrete proof that Jesus was conceived as a manipulation device to subdue the Jewish masses and engender fidelity to the Roman empire.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 18:50:54 +0000

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