Bidding farewell to dark era in Ethiope East By Dr. Fred - TopicsExpress


Bidding farewell to dark era in Ethiope East By Dr. Fred Latimore Oghenesivbe It is now common knowledge that the political leadership structure in Ethiope East Local Government Area of Delta State has been overhauled and the old stock of political actors who crumbled our communities’ social super-structures are being shown the exit door from the political stage. As the popular saying goes; “nothing lasts forever”. Looking at the chain of events since 1999 till date, it is obvious and crystal clear that the people of Ethiope East are hell bent in rejecting political leaders and actors who have used their unprogressive “political experience” to facilitate poverty, frustration, depression and lack of socio-economic and political advancement. Our communities have been locked up in the “hot-belly” of coercive and tyrannical political electioneering which hitherto consistently produced some same candidates who had no repentant spirit to galvanize development for the people. As Ethiopeans yearn for a shift from oppression to freedom, these political cabal are now working round the clock trying to undo the steam of progress currently being championed by a new breed of political actors who have resolved to bring modern development to the communities in Ethiope East LGA and elsewhere in the neighbourhood. They have now put in place “cheap political propaganda and petty blackmail” to smear the solid political reputation of Chief (Mrs) Faith Majemite Oniemor, who has been endorsed by segments of stakeholders within the super structures of the ruling party, traditional institutions, youths, women, elders and even the young siblings in our various communities. Her choice as PDP consensus candidate for the October 25 LGA Chairmanship elections is not to intimidate or embarrass the political ambition of any other viable political actor but it is a check on some old breed politicians whom Ethiopians have declared “political outcasts and prodigals”. These words may seem too harsh, but when you put it side by side the huge economic damage done to KOKORI Communities and the high level of unemployment and lack of youth empowerment that has bedeviled our people, you may perhaps want me to use a stronger term. Recently, I spoke with one of our constituents, Ejiro Efegherimoni, who had been posting terrible messages on his facebook page. He articulated fundamental issues which I regarded as “acute vexatious” realities. He mentioned how the political heavyweights in our communities disappeared at a time Kokori community was boiling in serious agitation occasioned by depression and hopelessness caused by greedy political actors. He was right to vent and direct his anger at the political class in the KOKORI axis and Ethiope East in general. He told me specifically during the one hour telephone conversation that campaign posters of all political aspirants in Kokori have been removed from the streets by some angry youths and he went on to narrate their pains and ordeal in terms of neglect, underdevelopment, hunger, acute poverty, et al. Tears rolled down my checks and had to politely appeal to him to have a change of heart. I then outlined the Faith Majemite people oriented agenda which he later keyed into. Our people need awareness and constant advocacy to get liberated from the shackles of political and economic slavery. The sad thing is that the same political actors who have caused our people these pains and agonies are still pressing forward to have another shot at the seat of power so as to further enslave the rest of us whom some of them have described as “political follow-follow and never good enough to enjoy the dividend of democracy”. As they gather together at mid-nights and at noon-day to map out their evil political strategies and scheming, we have all ears to the ground and we shall do the needful to abort their demonic political craftsmanship. The naked truth is that “yahoo Yahoo politicians” and their greedy and self centered associates will no longer be in the forefront of our political struggle due to the above mentioned reasons. Several consultations are ongoing with PDP top officials and party executives both at the state and at federal levels to the effect that whether by the use of “force” or “Juju” or “African voodoo” or “financial power”, there are classes of political actors in Ethiope East that will not be given the party ticket for any elective position, even at Counselor level at the LGA. The reason for this decision is to completely stop a political cabal from further oppression and impoverishment of our people. Mrs Majemite, as it were, is in the league of political progressives and we have words from her which point to show that she will do justice and equity to our teaming youths in terms of empowerment, skills acquisition and other assistance necessary to bring quality of life to our people. She has assured some of us before we agreed to join her political team that she will not repeat what the old stock of political vampires did to our people. We trust the ONIEMOR OF AGBON KINGDOM to keep to her lofty promises of bringing political freedom and economic prosperity to the good people of Ethiope East LGA with effect from October 26, 2014. We strongly advise the old stock of “expired politicians” to stop casting aspersions at the unique personality of Mrs. Majemite. The best thing for them to do right now is to “weep” and seek the face of God for forgiveness and to repent absolutely. They should work out modalities of “restitution” by way of bringing a large part of the “loot” and spending same in youth empowerment, social infrastructure and scholarship for our teaming youths. They should apologise to our people for all the economic sabotage and stealing of our commonwealth. Some of the political actors and failed leaders have more than 67 uncompleted projects in our communities which they personally contracted to themselves and their associates. These frivolous and over-inflated contracts sank several hundreds of millions of naira which is why our people have nothing to show as dividend of democracy since 1999. We are in severe pains and convulsive depression and they should not cause additional frustration and anger by presenting themselves for either election or re-election. I trust that they will catch the reality, figure things out for themselves and leave the political atmosphere for now so that the new patriotic political elites can make reasonable progress for our people. I want to specifically thank our Royal Father Ukori I, the Ovie of Agbon Kingdom, Chief Michael Adiotomre, Governor Emmanuel Uduaghan, The Secretary to Delta State Government, Comrade Ovuzorie Macalay, Hope Emore, Chief Tony Oboroh, Mr Imarah, Chief Sunday Onoriode, Versatile Youths leader Arthur and host of others for their contributions towards the actualization of a new political era in our LGA.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 16:59:15 +0000

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