Big sister, Angela Kenyatta, sends a wonderful open letter before - TopicsExpress


Big sister, Angela Kenyatta, sends a wonderful open letter before the Travon Martin trial is over to little sister Rachel Jeantel. Quoting the author of the letter, our Brain Trust sister, Angela Kenyatta, "Silence is complicity." ***An Open Letter to Ms. Rachel Jeantel*** Sunday June 30, 2013 Dear Rachel, You are absolutely and exquisitely beautiful. Your beauty is born of courage, character and conviction; qualities that will take you much further in life than any external attribute or material substance. Your pretty chocolate skin and queenly curves are merely icing on the cake! You, my dear, are so much more than just another lovely face. It took tremendous courage to take the witness stand, in front of the world, to testify about a horror that has impacted you so deeply and personally. You, Rachel, were of such good character that you pushed through your own grief and suffering to speak up on behalf of your friend who could no longer speak for himself. You are honoring your friendship with Trayvon beyond the grave that now separates the two of you physically; and only physically because as you’ve demonstrated, the soul of your friendship is very much alive. Your loyalty and decency warms our hearts! At the end of the day your testimony will be remembered as one marked by great conviction. You stood your ground in the courtroom. Beloved, I am sure that you are aware of some of the unkind and unnecessary statements that have been directed towards you. Please understand that when people demonstrate cruelty it’s because they are lost in the abyss of their own ignorance. Their abject meanness is a profound statement about who they are and has nothing to do with who you are. Squash their comments like you would a pesky mosquito. Sadly, few if any of us, escape the snares of unjust criticism and unfair ridicule over the course of our lifetime. But, when we are wise enough to allow it, those experiences strengthen and cultivate a greater kindness and compassion within us. I trust that your heart and mind are being purified in this manner. In varying degrees, we’ve all walked the road you now travel. Think about someone you admire either in your personal life or someone who is a public figure. No matter how accomplished, powerful, talented, or beautiful that person is, they have walked through the fire of insults and condemnation. It’s just a very ugly aspect of the human condition. Try not to let the sharp and careless words penetrate your heart. Clinging to the Truth about who you are will help you rise above the weakness and pettiness of others. You are a magnificent child of the Most High God. You were born with a divine purpose to fulfill. Your life is a life of great depth, beauty and meaning. Even this very heavy laden experience has shown up, ultimately, to support you in becoming the very best Rachel that you can be! That’s how things work with God. Our most difficult and painful experiences are mystically transformed into fertile ground that supports our growth and greater good. I’ll leave you with the most wonderful news. The world is also filled with people who see clearly and are committed to being kind and just. People whose love for humanity cries out with such ferocity that anything unlike the love that we bring is decimated by our mere presence. This is an endowment that you also share. And their voices, our voices, are the ones that are most powerful; but we’ve got to do our part by tuning in to hear the wisdom of God seeking to speak through us. Rachel, we see you. We’re very proud of you. We love you just the way you are. And we’ve got your back! Keep your head up, Angela Kenyatta Chicago, IL P.S. Rachel, I know that some of what I’ve expressed may not seem to have meaning for you now. But, please hold on to the letter and revisit it from time to time as you move on. It will all make sense in the fullness of time. Cc: Ms. Rachel Jeantel c/o Parks & Crump, LLC Tallahassee, FL
Posted on: Sun, 30 Jun 2013 21:00:20 +0000

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