Bill Bohart; There is a Maxim of Law, it goes like this: One has - TopicsExpress


Bill Bohart; There is a Maxim of Law, it goes like this: One has authority over that which One creates. Now, in most instances THE STATE did create SOMETHING. That something would be a FICTION, but it most certainly did not create the Living man, therefore has NO authority to enforce its private policy on the Living man. The rules of THE STATE (a corporation) are NOT Law, but are only policy of the corporation, applicable to those over who the corporation has authority, namely the employees and officers of the corporation, and no others. This is something which few people are aware of, but which all need to be aware of. John Albaladejo; Excellent and outstanding Bill. I have a question though if you dont mind. Please forgive my ignorance as Government workings is not my forte nor one of my most favorite subjects. When the USA was incepted and our original government installed back on 1776, everything was built upon the Constitution and then voted on and ratified by a majority of the people, right? A government of the people, by the people and for the people. When exactly did our State and Federal Governments become Corporations and how the hell did it happen in the first place? And further, what the hell do we do about it> I know you and Dexter have posted about this veddy subject before, but I think it wise to rehash this, not only for my sake but for everyone else out there in FB land, to help them understand what has been going on. Here is my shot while under extreme sleep deprivation... Repost and make viral if you like? Like if you find truth, screw off if you dont. LMAO.. Or wake the HELL UP! or go back to sleep, WE GOT THIS! What happened to our Republic;Preface/disclaimer;As I write this brief summery I will leave some detail out, some events of importance, some not so much. What I’m attempting, is a short explanation of a chain of events that cost the existence of our Constitutional Republic as our Forefathers intended. What happened to our Republic?; Soon after the Revolutionary war (1776) King George III (and the world bankers/money changers) knew bullets and blood would not conquer the America so they could skim the wealth from the new and prosperous settlements of the 13 Colonies. He/they called scholars together to devise a plan. The plan was to infiltrate the newly established Republic and destroy the hard work our Founding Fathers had so bravely, brilliantly and completely enjoyed success in building. Large amounts of gold and silver had always been at the Royalty (bankers) dispose. So, over the next 95 years or so settlers and immigrants came to the land of promise and as per plans worked/infiltrated into Government different elements of Politics (The war of 1812 happened during this stretch of time). In 1871 Congress committed treason against the American People by voting into Law the “Act of 1871”. This for all indented purposes rendered the united States of America a Corporation. A for profit Corporation, to serve the interest of the world bankers and a few super wealthy tyrants whose only aspirations were/are to act as criminals and rob wealth form We The People. The Act of 1871 moved the Nation’s Capital to Washington, District of Columbia, (DC) a foreign owned parcel of property on which the Shadow Government was formed. The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. (all caps to represent a Corporation, UCC Code) And to protect the interest of this Government the title of the Constitution was secretly changed (and semantics are vital in lawful/Legal terms) from the Constitution “for” the united States of America. To, The Constitution “of” the United States of America. This change from “for” to “of” changed this very important document into a document of possession by the Government rather than a Governing document possessed by We The People, with the original intent to set forth a set of Laws limiting the Government to operate inside its guidelines under the “Law of the Land”. Over the past 237 years, what remains of our Republic has suffered devastating blows to its existence. By far the Act of 1871 delivered the fatal blow. Another fatal 1 2 punch was the Federal Reserve Act, 1913. This rendered our monetary trade system slave to Privet off shore Banks, who print money out of thin air and charge the American public outrageous interest adding to an unplayable, unmanageable National debt. Our Shadow Government has offered up and handed over every living soul inhabiting this land as collateral for this privet debt. Our Shadow Government has also sacrificed ALL real property as collateral to this gang of Elitist criminal thieves to satisfy an ever increasing National debt that stands at near 17 TRILLION DOLLARS and growing at an alarming rate. Yes folks that parcel of land you think you bought and paid for years ago? These crooks have stolen IT! VIA “legal” OWNERSHIP, VIA UNLAWFUL FEDERAL CODE AND UCC CODE, the CRIMINALS CALL LAW!, It is NOT. We The People have been living under tyranny and secular rule since as early as 1871 nearest my calculation of crimes against the American inhabitants of this land known as the united States of America. The criminal elements of Government consider us THEIR SUBJECTS! WE ARE NOT! We ARE FREE SOULS FREE TO TRAVEL UNMOLESTED AND LIVE AS WE SEE FIT, So as long as we do NOT infringe on another Americans freedoms and unalienable rights. (Bill of Rights) The heat has been turned up ever so slowly under that proverbial pot of water, with only one intent; to boil this frog so it does not jump out before realizing its being prepared for consumption after reaching a full level of readiness for the dinner table of the Criminal PIGS known as the ELITE. The last thing the Globalist (world bankers/money changers) want is for their frog to jump out ruining their feast of tyranny, total control and submission. End of document Bill Bohart
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 10:01:06 +0000

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