Biological Holocaust According to the Macrobiotic - TopicsExpress


Biological Holocaust According to the Macrobiotic cosmo-conception, there is an orderliness in nature. This orderliness arises from the effect of countless factors that impinge on everything that exists. The universal orderliness manifests in all things that arise spontaneously from the creative void. This is the macroscopic view. Modern science views life in a microscopic view, which isolates and experiments on isolated phenomena. It cannot duplicate the natural creative process which is based on a universal synergy. Modern science creates disorder, whereas the universal creative process creates order. Whatever is out of order with the natural process is discarded; whatever manifests in a way that synchronizes with the natural order survives and continues to be sustained by the natural order. When science decided to try to increase crop yields, for example, they were unaware of certain natural laws which Macrobiotics calls Yin and Yang, the interaction of which explains how the natural order operates. Wild plants, sustained only by the natural order, in northern areas where life forms must be able to survive cold temperatures, grow smaller. In tropical areas, where heat and moisture abound, life forms grow larger because heat, which is Yang, stimulates Yin, expansive, growth. Naturally-occurring,, abundant moisture assists growth by providing hydration. Traditional peoples, to enhance crop yields, selected the biggest, blight-free seeds to plant each year. Blight-free seeds indicate a natural resistance to disease. Seeds were therefore selected which proved capable of producing both stronger and more disease-resistant strains under the climatic conditions where they were grown over time. Modern, scientifically-educated agronomists, thinking they could improve crop yields through laboratory-controlled conditions, began cross-pollinating to produce strains with greater yields. Since they did not also consider other factors that are important to successful food production, such as resistance to pests, drought, cold, etc. the strains they produced needed larger amounts of water to sustain their greater requirements, as well as herbicides, pesticides, fertilizers, etc. to sustain them. Another problem with laboratory-produced hybrids was the tendency to revert to ancestral genotypes over time if the seeds were re-planted. This made it necessary to purchase new seeds every growing season, further adding to the expense of maintaining such hybrids. Contrast this with crops produced by yearly seed selection that did not revert to earlier, less resistant strains every growing season. Such seeds were selected from varieties that had emerged and survived over many generations of agricultural production. Genetic modification escalated laboratory-induced tampering with nature to a more destructively-dissonant level because the GMO process introduced genetic materials from other organisms that would not naturally be able to combine genetically with other organisms. This process can be likened to naturally-occurring mutations. Most mutations do not survive because they deviate too much from what can sustain itself under natural conditions. In creating such mutations, modern biotech has increased the need for more synthetic fertilizers, insecticides and herbicides to insure the survival of such unnatural strains. Modern biotech agriculture is now requiring farmers to grow varieties that are not naturally-sustainable using methods that are toxic to the farmers as well as the consumers for which the crops are intended. Most alarmingly is the fact that such “Frankenfoods” wreak havoc on the biological systems of the animals and humans who consume them, either directly or indirectly, when animals fed GMO crops are consumed by humans. Modern consumers are being asked to consume foods which contain genetic materials which are not consonant with building healthy bodies. Over time, consuming such unnatural, mutated foods creates weakened, disordered cell growth in those who consume them. Effects of such foreign strains range from digestive tract problems to tumors, auto-immune system problems due to rejection of foreign proteins not recognized by the body numerous disorders unexplainable by modern medicine. It is extremely urgent that such tampering with the natural system of agricultural production be abolished as soon as possible to avert a biological catastrophe of epic proportions. The rise in genetic defects, unexplainable childhood diseases, cancers, increasing incidences of organ and tissue failures, etc. must end. Evidence that GMOs are the causes of such phenomena exist in cases where parents changed the diets of children suffering from untreatable disorders from non-organic, GMO foods to organic, non-GMO foods. Children whose diets were changed in this way recovered from the diseases and disorders they were suffering from. In some incidences where diets were switched back to non-organic, GMO foods, the disorders reappeared. Such studies clearly indicate a correlation between childhood disorders and the consumption of GMO foods. With more and more evidence appearing such as the Soleri experiments that produced large tumor growths in laboratory rats fed GMO corn indicate we need a world-wide ban on GMO food production. Due to the fact that pollen from GMO organisms can be spread many miles by the wind, the possibility of world-wide GMO contagion of crops must be averted by a unified, global response. Fred Pulver 11-2-13
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 22:44:59 +0000

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