Birthday Secrets You was born on Date : 4 June 1992 Week - TopicsExpress


Birthday Secrets You was born on Date : 4 June 1992 Week Day : Thursday Your Age is : 21 Your Running Age is : 22 Lived For 7,854 days. 1,122 Weeks. 188,496 Hrs (Approx). 11,309,760 Minutes (Approx). 678,585,600 Seconds (Approx). You Celebrated your birthday 184 days before. The Week day was Thursday Primary Birth Path Your Primary Birth Path is 4 Your Birth path number reveals that you belong to Pragmatists Based on your Birth Path your characteristics are The most trustworthy, practical, and down-to-earth of individuals, a Pragmatist. i.e (Organized, Hardworking, Practical Minded) Based on your Birth Path Your Love and Live is Your Life: You usually think before acting which makes your life quite easy. But you often are the one who give yourself a hard time by being paranoid. People might not truly understand you but you are really nice to be around. You are cheerful and friendly. Your Love: Still water runs deep, thats what you are. You always surprise others with your new character when you are in love. Your love trap often comes unexpectedly and your love life is full of surprises. Life Path Your Life Path is 4 Based on your Life Path your characteristics are The Life Path 4 suggests that you entered this plane You are very stubborn, very hard working but unlucky in important matters in life, very cool and helpful. You might repel people away from you, you may cause nuisance to others if you area man, as you gifted are with understanding other peoples problems. If you are a girl, you excel in your studies and arts. If you are a guy you spend most of your time with girl friends and you tend to have too much fun with your mates & girls. Your friends will spend your time & money and get on with their life and you will be left empty handed. So be careful! You love to spend. Your positive side is that you are always around to help family and friends. You always fall in love with those younger than you. You often live with disappointments but you will take good care of your family. You need to be careful of people who will take advantage of your kind heart. And beware of your relationships too. You are radical, patient, persistent, and a hit old-fashioned; you live with foundation & order. Your best match 1 and 8 while good match is 5,6 and 7. with a natural genius for planning, fixing, building, and somehow, with practical application and cerebral excellence, making things work. You are one of the most trustworthy, practical, and down-To-earth of individuals; the cornerstone members of society. Indeed, as a Life Path 4, you are a builder of society. The cream of the crop in this Life Path can be a master builder in society. If you are among these highly talented people, you have an idealistic nature which is grounded in practical terms, allowing you to conceive grandiose, far-reaching schemes and carry them through to the End. If you desire and are willing to work for it, you can achieve enormous success, prestige, and fame. Obviously, everyone with a 4 Life Path does Not become famous All with this Life Path have the ability to take orders and to carry them out with dedication and perseverance and many 4s live and work happily in this context. But so often, the 4 Life Path is the entrepreneur and manager in the community. in either role, you always demand as much from yourself as you Do from others, and sometimes a lot more You have the kind of will Power that is often mistaken for sheer stubbornness. You dont think of yourself as dogged, but your honest beliefs and that ever direct speech makes you come across as completely unremitting. Once a decision is made, it will be followed through to the conclusion, right, wrong, or indifferent. You are very set in your ways and determined to handle things the way you are so certain that they should be handled. Your tenacity of purpose and ability to get the job done borders on obsession. You are a wonderful manager with a great sense of how to get the job done You are an excellent organizer and planner because of your innate ability to View things in a very common sense and practical way. This stems from a strong desire to be a perfectionist in your labor. Planning is necessary to avoid errors. Its very likely that a 4 Life Path person invented the to-do list, because it is the rare Life Path 4 who doesnt have one by her side at all times. Your life is programed in an orderly fashion permitting you to catalog and manage the flow of ideas and activities that fill your day. Indeed, you seem to function best when you are under the gun and facing a tough set of problems Loyal and devoted, you make the best of your marriage, and you are always the good provider. Friends may be few in number, but you are very close to them and once friendships are made, they often last a lifetime The number 4 is solidly associated with the element of earth from which it gains its strength and utter sense of reality. You are one of the most dependable people you know. If patience and determination can ever win, you are sure to achieve great success in life. Often, you are called on to take care of others; to finish what they have started. It may Not seem fair and probably isnt, but it may be the key to your accomplishment and reputation The negative side of the 4 can prove dogmatic to an excess, narrow-minded, and repressive. A lot of skin-deep people turn you off, and you lack the tact to keep your feelings from being totally clear to all around. Additionally, the negative 4 has a bad tendency to get caught up in the daily routine of affairs, missing the big picture and major opportunities that come along once in a While Western Zodiac Symbol / Sign Your Western Zodiac Symbol / Sign is Twins/Gemini Based on your Western Zodiac Symbol / Sign, your characteristics are Born Between :May 22 - June 21 Life Phrase: I Think Mantra: I am Calm Element: Air Modality: Mutable Ruling Planet: Mercury Personality Traits: Intellectual, Adaptable, Versatile, Witty, Lively, Amusing General Compatibility: Gemini, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Libra, Aquarius Color: Yellow Gemstones: Alexandrite, Agate, Sapphire, Citrine Foods: Eggs, Pineapple, Lemons, Broccoli, Cauliflower Challenged to be: Dependable, honest, focused, determined and mature Spiritual Path: to fully connect to life with clarity, emotions and faith Chinese Zodiac Sign / Symbol Your Chinese Zodiac Sign / Symbol is MONKEY (Merry) Based on your Zodiac Sign / Symbol (Birthday Animal) your characteristics are Monkeys are fun and loving people who are always cheerful and energetic. They are very clever. Give a monkey a boring book to read and hell turn it into a Musical. Better yet, hell invite everyone to see it free! Thats how talented, creative and generous monkeys usually are. If you go to a party, youll find Monkeys at the center of attention. Their charm and humor is the key to their popularity. Sociable and diplomatic as they may appear, they can be deceptive sometimes - they hide their opinions of others beneath their friendliness. However, they dont hide their emotion. You can probably tell how a monkey is feeling from miles away - he wants everyone to know how happy or depressed he is. Monkey people are very good at problem-solving. Wherever you are, whoever you may be, if youve got a problem pick up the phone and dial-a-Monkey. Monkeys know how to listen closely and work out solutions at the same time. And because of the Monkeys curiosity, they usually have a great thirst for knowledge. Still they have few scruples - they can be unreasonable sometimes, and they have the ability to persuade themselves and everyone around them to believe that they are doing the right things. Some say monkeys are self-centered, opportunistic, or guileful, but monkeys couldnt care less - because they are also indifferent. The Monkey has a good chance of becoming famous or well-known. Whatever he does, his charm and luck will make him successful. Asfriends, Monkeys are both loyal and devoted. Aslovers, they can be passionate and yet flighty - they can fall easily in love but will get tired of the relationship and look for another. Most Monkeys have one fetish - FOOD. They are not pigs, they dont stuff themselves with food, instead they just have this habit of eating snacks whenever and wherever they like. One last truth about monkey people is, they adore bananas. Go visit your monkey friends kitchen, I bet you will find some bananas there. Compatible with Rat, Ox, Tiger, Dragon, Monkey, Boar. Based on your Birth Month, your characteristics are Your One Liner Magic changer * Thinks far with vision * Easily influenced by kindness * Polite and soft-spoken * Having lots of ideas * Sensitive * Active mind * Hesitating * Tends to delay * Choosy and always wants the best * Temperamental * Funny and humorous * Loves to joke * Good debating skills * Talkative * Daydreamer * Friendly * Knows how to make friends * Abiding * Able to show character * Easily hurt * Prone to getting colds * Loves to dress up * Takes time to recover when hurt * Brand conscious * Executive * Stubborn * Those who loves me are enemies Birthday Tree Your Birthday Tree is Hornbeam (The Good Taste) Based on your Birth Tree, your characteristics are Of cool beauty, cares for its looks and condition, good taste, tends to egoism, makes life as comfortable as possible, leads reasonable, disciplined life, looks for kindness, an emotional partner and acknowledgment, dreams of unusual lovers, is seldom happy with his/her feelings, mistrusts most people, is never sure of its decisions, very consciences. Birthday Color Your Birthday Color is : Grey Based on your Birth Color, your characteristics are You are attractive, and active. You never hide your feelings, and express everything thats inside. But you can be selfish at times. You want to be noticed, and dont like to be treated unfairly. You know what to say at the right time, and you have good sense of humor. You can usually brighten up someones day. Birthday Flower Your Birthday Flower is : By British Style : ROSE By US Style : ROSE/HONEYSUCKLE Based on your Birth Flower, your Symbolizations are British Symbolization : Love and Appreciation, while other meanings depends on each color US Symbolization : Love, Gratitude, Appreciation Love and Appreciation, while other meanings depends on each color Birthday Stone Your Birthday Stone is : By US Culture : Pearl, Moonstone, Alexandrite By Britain Culture : Pearl, Moonstone By Hindu Culture : Pearl By Zodiac Sign : Agate By Birth Day : Topaz, Diamond
Posted on: Thu, 05 Dec 2013 04:31:21 +0000

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