Bismillah Hirrahma Nirrahim. Assalamoalaykum brothers & - TopicsExpress


Bismillah Hirrahma Nirrahim. Assalamoalaykum brothers & sisters, please try to understand Islam from the Noble characters of AuliyaAllah not from the terrorists. They (terrorists) are not the real Mujahids of Islam even a bit. Part 1---- Those Who Attack Mosques Are The Greatest Wrong Doers ---- Islam not only teaches its adherents to maintain peace and observe tolerance with other communities, but it also instils in them a respect for the beliefs and view points, and norms and rituals of those who do not share their faith and creed. To launch attracts against opponents, their properties and sacred sites on account of religious, ideological or political differences is not only against the express spirit of Islam but is inhumane as well. Those who violate the sanctity of the houses of God and kill peaceful and devout worshipers through bomb explosions and suicide attacks are neither true believers nor people of guidance. Those who hinder people from making mention of Gods name in mosque, by spreading terror and intimidation, through violence and terrorism are grave sinners and enemies of peace, the Quran, infact, declares them the greatest wrongdoers and warns them of an immense suffering in the Hereafter. God says, And who is more unjust than he who forbids the remembrance of Gods name in the places of prostration (mosques) and strives to demolish them ? It was not proper for them to enter the mosques but in a state of fear (fearing God). For them is disgrace in this world and there is a dreadful torment for them in the Hereafter. Source:- Fatwa On Terrorism And Suicide Bombings. By- Hazrat Dr. Muhammad Tahir ul Qadri. Continue...
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 18:55:14 +0000

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