Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Raheem. Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (QS) Lefke, - TopicsExpress


Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Raheem. Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (QS) Lefke, 22.01.2012 A Mawlid Khudba. Dastur ya Sayyidi.. Assalamu Alaikum o believers, o Muslims. May the month of Mawlid al Shariff be blessed-mubarak for all of you. We wish for this holy month to be the beginning of a new era for all world,especially for the Islamic world, &the beginning of a new period for our island & for it to be good- beneficial for the Ummah- nation of Muhammad (sas). Shaytan will be defeated, it is already defeated. Now we hope that our people who respect & love the Holy Orders may rule us - those who have respect for our religion, who love & respect Islam. We wish this also for Turkey, at the same time. Allah Almighty who is muhawwilal hawli wal ahwal is Qadiru l-Mutlaq - He (jwa) who can change the conditions of people, is the Absolute All Powerful. And we want the Holy Religion, that He (jwa) sent to mankind with His Beloved (sas), to rule over the whole world! We pray & plead with Allah Almighty for this. Listen! Audhu Billahi min al shaytan al rajim. Bismillahi r-Rahman r-Rahim. The year we are in now is according to our Hijri Calender, 1433 & 2012 with the non Muslim calendars. It is the first Mawlid al Shariff that belongs to this year- the 12th of the month Rabiul-Awwal which has started tonight will be the first Mawlid al Shariff in this year of 1434, the beginning of 2012 according to what they call Gregorian calendar, which has no basis. We are believers. Who believes.. Now, one who uses his head & brain, believes. Who makes his head useless -puts it under his tail- does not believe. Some of our expressions.. We are saying as it comes to our heart. Tonight- as the first night of (Rabiul-Awwal) in the year 1434. The Muslim world is on their feet to celebrate the birthday of our Prophet (sas) on the 12th of this holy month, to ask for the help which will be a wasila-means - for them to reach its blessings. Now, our words-speech would not finish even if we spoke the whole night, whole week, whole month- would not finish even until the end of the world, because we cannot finish speaking of, or writing about, the majesty of our Prophet (sas)- his levels & honor within the creation and in the Presence of Allah. But I may say an imitated word: symbolic- it is a symbolic celebration. We are asking for the blessings of this Holy Night for the Ummah that whole mankind today is from the nation of Muhammad (sas). O Cypriots, listen! Turks, you listen as well! I am speaking for free- not asking money from you, listen! They may listen! May Allah give us some strength that we can say these few words, for the honour of His Beloved (sas). I ask support from the saints. The man supported by awliyas cannot be destroyed. Who supports the awliyas? Our Prophet (sas). The ones who our Prophet supports cannot be destroyed - we are standing. La ilaha illa Allah Muhammad Rasul Allah (sas). We are (strong) like lions! Even if whole world become shaytans, one person could overcome all of them- we have (that) strength, power. They may not think that we dont. I may curse the sleeping atom bomb, sleeping hydrogen bomb. Even if all hydrogen bombs in the world came, I will make them useless. O Cypriots - the common people, listen! the servants of the Ummah are not useless. I am from the common people. I am an old man, good for nothing. But they say dont look at who talks, look at who makes him talk. It is our old expression. Pull yourselves together, come to your senses, o mankind! O mankind! Who thinks is man, who doesnt think is animal. Who knows is man, who doesnt know is animal. Like we said before, it is an endless ocean that even if we speak of it not only for an hour, but for days, months, years.. wont finish. I am speaking about one ocean. There is no end, no limit to oceans. Last night, I saw on this shaytan box (TV), an Italian- astronomer, are they called astronomer? They asked him about space. They asked: Is there an edge, an end to space? Is there a limit to it? He is a professor of physics & an astrophysicist, astronomer. He is about my age. I dont know if he got senile. But I looked at him, he is not senile from what I have seen. He said... Sometimes when something like this shows (on TV), Allah lets me see it too. His statement was that: There is no end, no limit to this universe. He said correctly. What he said is right. And, from where the creation starts, where it ends.. How can we comprehend this, being at zero level- (infinitely small beings compared to the universe) on a zero planet? Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbarul Akbar! You are Subhan, o our Lord. You are Sultan! O My Beloved, I have created all of creation for you says Allah Almighty. I have granted you, I am not in need of it, He (jwa) said. They are not teaching these things. They are keeping the madhab (way) of unbelief in your schools. It is a system with no way, no belief. These are the representatives of this centurys tyranny-pharaoh-ness. What is the principle in Islam? Learn what is necessary for you. In our system, they dont teach what is necessary but instead teach all that is not necessary. They push the kids to this college, that university, that higher education It does not even go in the kids one ear, forget the other one. It is such an imitated method of teaching. Why did they make such an imitated, fake teaching system? To tear apart our connection, link with our glorious past, history & bring out an unbelieving, faithless, irreligious, shameless, dishonourable new generation with no good manners. Their claim is this. It is forbidden to say Allah! If you say Bismillah in a parliament, they would stone you. If you say Allah, Bismillah they expel you. If you say Wallah (I promise by Allah), they stone you. What kind of a nation is this? What was it & what has it become now? We are a nation that raised the flag of Islam for 1000 years. And today we prohibit using, saying of the name Allah? Shame on us! This is a little republic of ours in (North) Cyprus: with a president, or prime minister, or ministers. Do they say Bismillah? We cant say Shaykh Effendi. How can we say? We cant say, it is prohibited! What do they call it, their imitated orders? It is against our laws, saying of Bismillah. Where do your laws come from? From where did you bring them? You didnt like the one coming from Heavens, you brought from WC & called it laws. Masha Allah to you, the Cypriot Turks! Long live the Turks of Turkey! Masha Allah.. Affarin, well done! This is your progress? Masha Allah! Which nation respects us? Who made us respected & accepted were the Ottomans who raised the flag of Islam for 1000 years. Who respects us now, here or there? We are at each others throat. Always fighting- they dont know what they want, what they are doing. They are not aware of what they will do. Now, they are even selling diplomas. They sell diplomas- diploma in medicine. With the certificate they also take big pictures, saying: Look, my picture is like this. I have certificate. Where did you buy it from? Dont ask, o Shaykh Effendi! They have certificates, they give to whoever wants (pays). Then, how do they treat people? We look at the schedule of that day & prescribe accordingly Does it treat? Dont ask, o Shaykh Effendi. If they die, we take them to morgue. What about those who dont die? We keep them until they die. How beautiful! There are so many certificate-diploma markets like this now, to buy one! Even if you failed him in one class here, he can still take the diploma from somewhere else, have his picture taken & hang it there. How can the government know? The government already has no certificate either! Marhaban, Cypriot Turks! We will call you Cypriot Turks. What can we do? Because if we call Muslims, it is prohibited by law. KK TC - Turkish Republic of North Cyprus (KK sounds like dirt). What is this, are we kaka-dirt? What kind of a thing is this? The meaning of KK-dirt is.. O Shaykh Effendi, we dont know its meaning but they told us like this: you are citizens of kk- dirty republic of Turkey. Is there any other nation who would name themselves as, dirt? They disgraced us like this, why dont you say? Here is the land of our ancestors, it is the land of Ottomans. It is out of Misak-ı Millî - National Pact. They excluded us. Sultan Selim conquered this land. Sultan Hamid, may paradise be his abode, rented it. Turkish Republic gave it out, donated to British in Lausanne. Masha Allah! O Cypriot Turks! if you ask them, they will say: A person had come to us, a bald man. He went around our shop & said: O my brother! Yes sir. They are saying that Cyprus is famous for its donkeys. Yes sir. It was like this but they also got corrupted with the ones coming from outside. Hearing this, the man left the shop. We are not donkeys! The pasha that came from us- Mehmed Kamil Pasha the Cypriot, who served 30 years as a grand vizier for Sultan Hamid. He is the man who ruled the Empire for 30 years. They look down on us. You cant! Our smart, intelligent people can size up the other nations too. British ruled here for 70 years. His counselor was a Cypriot- from the island of Cyprus. The islanders are intelligent. One person in this island can rule whole world. There is such a person now. Marhaban, how are you friends? If I said wrong, come & say it. I may throw you in the well, drainage. And you may see your face when you get out of it. Welcome! This has become like an Eid Khutba, said for the Mawlid Night. They may listen! Everybody may listen! Whoever understands Turkish may listen. Whoever doesnt understand if they are curious, I may have it translated to English, Greek & French. We have a lesson to give each one of them. The most intelligent person on earth may come & sit here to face me. I am the weakest person. I may defeat him with the permission of Allah. Because my business is with Allah. Their business is with shaytan! Wa Allahu Ghalibun `Ala Amrihi(12:21??? - wa la ghaliba illa allah) Allah (jwa) is the Absolute Victorious. And who He supports is also victorious. There is no force that can defeat him. Be proud! But they have made everything that you will study & learn, wrong. You are not aware of anything now. If we were to say these slowly, how many volumes of books would it be? What we have said is enough for tonight. But there is an ocean, which can fill a library, maybe even more. But according to our situation we may speak of them slowly. A person cant eat all in a bakery, at once. But he can eat slowly, piece by piece. May Allah forgive us. We hope, for the honour of this holy night that an era has closed in Cyprus as well as in other places- Egypt, Sham, Iraq, Iran, Libya, different countries in Africa... It will change. It will change because the oppressors in rule couldnt serve mankind. They couldnt serve the people. They crushed them, killed them cruelly, dstroyed, burned.. These ones cannot go on. The prophet (sas) said: The oppression cant last! It will be destroyed at some point. Pull yourselves together. What is Islams unchanged principle? Ati kulli dhi haqqin haqqa- give everyone their due rights. You will know & give everyones rights. This is the scale of Justice in Islam. They cant, dont teach this. They even made up a joke, saying: O our Lord, whether it is halal- permissible or haram-forbidden, doesnt matter, give us & we may eat. Doesnt matter if it is halal or haram. Your servant doesnt distinguish. Give us, o Lord they say. They have made us like this. There is no law, owner of rights, or justice anymore. Shaytan rules over whole world. Whole world is suffering but; Wa Layubaddilannahum Min Ba`di Khawfihim Amnaan says Allah Almighty- And He will surely give them in exchange a safe security after their fear (24:55). The order will come. This dunya will be given to just & rightminded believers. All who rule now will be finished & thrown to.. This is enough. What can we do? What can we do? May Allah forgive me & forgive you. I am not claiming that I am all pure & free from sins. But they have made me speak so I spoke. May Allah forgive me & forgive you o people! We may be true ones. We may accept the Truth. What we say is the Truth. I have to accept it as well as you do. I dont claim to be better than you. Fatiha. It is enough. Marhaban Cypriots, how are you? How are you Karpazis? How are you Cypriots? Be Muslim, keep Islam & find honour. If you leave it, you wont be respected. They will wipe you out. They step on you & move on. Aman ya Rabbi, tawba ya Rabbi. You say also, o Cypriots say! Tawba ya Rabbi, tawba ya Rabbi. tawba Astaghfirullah. La ilaha illa Allah Sayyidina Muhammad Rasul Allah (sas). May You send us a Master for the honour of Your Beloved. This is enough. First say: Allah forgive us.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 00:07:23 +0000

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