Bit late to the party but finally saw Captain America: Winter - TopicsExpress


Bit late to the party but finally saw Captain America: Winter Soldier It just hit every beat perfectly. It felt like an important sequel not just Lets make another one I guess. It reminded me of the best Jerry Bruckheimer action movies of the 90s mixed with The Bourne Identity. As epic as The Avengers. It is what I consider Marvels The Dark Knight, in that it took the character and its themes and stayed true to it while setting it in a spy conspiracy thriller. Black Widow, Falcon, Winter Soldier, Fury, everyone was in top form. Pacing was perfect with scenes not going on longer than they should nor feeling cut short. The action was brutal without being graphic and is probably the best choreographed of all the Marvel movies so far. And funny with action movie esque get in get out quips that didnt make me cringe once. Cant wait to watch it again and forget Thor 2 and Iron Man 3 ever happened. So much lovely set up and pay off. I recommend people watch the first movie again if they cant remember it. On your left
Posted on: Mon, 14 Apr 2014 00:11:14 +0000

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