Blacker than the deepest midnight...the air as still as the vacuum - TopicsExpress


Blacker than the deepest midnight...the air as still as the vacuum of eerie quiet reigned in this place. Then, as quite as a whisper, so gentle it may have been just an imagining, a wisp of a breeze stirs... a tiny light barely perceptible begins to slowly glow...The breeze begins to pick up intensity, slowly at first, then as the light grows stronger, it turns from a gentle breeze into a wind of hurricane force...It whips around the room, at first seemingly bent on destruction without a purpose...The light grows as it shatters the darkness...growing..blinding...the wind focuses on the center of the tomb, like a tornado swirling over that unmoving lump, unwrapping...unveiling...tearing asunder the bindings...The wind enters the nostrils of that which lies there...suddenly the chest rises as breath enters...the light follows as reanimation of that which was dead suddenly is ripped from the womb of desolation...If eyes were there to see this they would have to be cast aside at the glory of the moment in fear or risk madness piercing the mind of the beholder...The body rises, the chest expands gulping breath after breath, like a man thirsting for water after a long trek in the desert...This place is too small to contain all that is occurring...the walls cannot expand to hold it in...The forces gathered focus now on one place, one spot of release...The entrance...that stone meant to seal forever...they coalesce in force and drive the stone out of the way...The body, re-animated, re-created, the first fruits born out of death begins to stand...He walks toward the entrance, freed from the bindings of the grave that tried to hold Him. As He steps forth into the world outside the tomb, voices raised throughout all of Heaven, that at this point only His ears can hear, sing the most majestic song ever created...Worthy, worthy is the Lamb!! He steps forth...He is alive...Later they came...those who had witnessed Him broken, beaten....dead...They came for one last opportunity...they came to give Him the proper preparations for death and burial...When they arrived they saw that stone, so heavy, so impenetrable, moved...cast aside...They ran but found the tomb empty. Their hearts despaired, on top of all else that had happened, now someone had stolen the body of this man they followed, this man they loved...Where can He be they wailed! Confusion reigns...stark fear beats within their chests, their hearts ready to explode...Suddenly, as they bow their heads in heart wrenching grief two strangers came amongst them and they hear these words...Why do you look for the living amongst the dead? He is not here...HE IS RISEN!!! Today dear friend...why do you look for the living amongst the dead? Why do you look for the things of this world to give you peace, to give you life, to give you purpose. All that you attain and accumulate give, at best, a temporary sense of fulfillment. Why seek life amongst the dead things of wealth, possession, popularity and the esteem of man? All flesh is as grass and the flower thereof...the grass withers and the flower fades and dies...Yet there is one who has overcome death...there is one who has life, and is the way to really living...Why seek you the living amongst the dead dear friend? Jesus, first born of the grave, overcomer, creator, God Almighty Himself extends that nail pierced hand to you this very moment...grasp it and truly live! HE IS RISEN!!!!
Posted on: Sun, 20 Apr 2014 12:01:06 +0000

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