Blackhat Spoilers ahead. Not that youd want to watch it. It - TopicsExpress


Blackhat Spoilers ahead. Not that youd want to watch it. It wasnt all bad; the film did get some things right. The plot itself was interesting and had a measure of intrigue to it, with a twist or two. Plus its knowledge of networking and cyber security was actually pretty good. But thats about it. One thing that will quickly grab you is the cinematography. The actual camera work. Its terrible. Its like the whole movie is filmed with someones phone, devoid of any tripods, stabilizers or mounts of any kind. Theres some portions, especially action scenes, that are so bouncy its hard to tell whats actually going on. The other scenes arent much better. Dramatic close ups are far too frequent. Every now and then youll come across a shot thats out of focus or has confusing jump cuts. Theres even a scene where two characters are talking at a table, when a waiter haphazardly bends over in front of the camera, filling the shot with his gluteus for a few solid seconds. You can tell the films budget went disproportionately to the wrong places. Realistic explosions and crashes are replayed in slow motion over and over, or seemingly expensive shots are only seen for a few fleeting moments. The action scenes have their own set of problems. Theres a scene where the main characters are accompanied by a SWAT team in this badass raid scene. But their sole function is so the bad guys can blow up some faceless goons with some tripmines. During the firefight, one of the protagonists is shot in the arm. And dies from it. Like 30 seconds later. Most of the main characters die in a firefight later in the film, but I thought that was one point where the film improved because you were no longer pestered by these characters you didnt care about. The script does a laughable job here. There is almost no character development. The main character, Hathaway, is working with this Chinese girl in the field . There is one poorly done ogling scene before the job, and then they immediately start banging each other afterwards, mere days or even hours after they first met. Most of the character interaction in the movie seems stiff and unnatural, despite the decent acting. There is some attempt to have you bond with the main characters, but they are so flat and boring you dont bat an eye when they die. The music seems to try to compensate for this, as it is overly dramatic in some scenes, yet at other times does not fit whatsoever. After all this youd at least expect a decent ending, right? Not so fast, Eager Mcbeaver. The film closes with incredibly limp resolution, that will leave you thinking Thats it?. The ending leaves more loose ends and unanswered questions than it does proper conclusions. This is by no means the worst movie Ive ever seen. Not by a long shot. Its an alright action flick. But, In summation, dont go see this movie, unless youre a diehard computer hacker. If you wanna see it for a few chuckles (or groans) wait until it comes to Netflix or Redbox. I paid to see the movie so I could warn the rest of you of this most evil fate.
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 07:50:05 +0000

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