Blade Runner 2 Its not clear yet whether Ridley Scotts Blade - TopicsExpress


Blade Runner 2 Its not clear yet whether Ridley Scotts Blade Runner follow-up will be a prequel or sequel, nor when he actually plans to slot it into his schedule. For many years, Ridley Scotts slate of projects has been one of the most packed of any major director - especially if he chooses to direct, rather than produce, Prometheus 2. That said, he does maintain that the new Blade Runner will happen sooner or later. As things stand, later is our guess. Bourne 5 Tony Gilroy wont be directing Jeremy Renners second Bourne movie, with the decent box office but relatively savage reviews for The Bourne Legacy presumably a contributory factor there. Renner will be reprising the role of Aaron Cross in Bourne 5 though, which is set for release in August 2015. The film will be Matt Damon-less again, and with a bit of luck, it wont spend half an hour reminding us that he used to be in these films this time around. This may be last chance saloon for the Bourne series, at least without paying a small fortune to director Paul Greengrass and Matt Damon, neither of whom seem in any way keen to come back to the series. Captain America 3 The massive opening weekend enjoyed by Captain America: The Winter Soldier in the US saw it nearly do Iron Man 3-scale numbers. If things continue as they are, you can expect Captain America 3 to top them. Joe and Anthony Russo are returning to direct, and Chris Evans will reprise the lead role. This is likely to be the last standalone Captain America film with him doing so. The film is currently scheduled for May 2016, where it will open against Warner Bros Batman Vs Superman. Fight.... Cars 3 No date as of yet for this one, short of the confirmation that Pixar will be making a second sequel to Cars. John Lasseter directed the first two, although Cars 2 is widely regarded as Pixars weakest movie. The earliest wed expect Cars 3 is 2017, but itll probably arrive later than that. Cheech And Chong Legendary screen stoners Tommy Chong and Cheech Marin are reportedly heading for another feature, which sounds like it may be a follow-up to their earlier adventures. Jay Chandasekhar, of Broken Lizard, is developing the project with them. The new film will see Cheech and Chong heading to a festival called the Burning Joint. Thats all we know right now though. Chronicle 2 Fox rejected the apparently darker screenplay for Chronicle 2 that was submitted by the writer of the first movie, Max Landis. Director of the first movie meanwhile, Josh Trank, is busy making Fantastic Four for the studio. Chronicle 2, then, has now been put in the hands of Jack Stanley. Hes been very recently hired to write the script for the film, but theres no clue yet as to who will direct, and which of the originals cast will be back. Chronicles Of Narnia: The Silver Chair Every time you think the Narnia movie series is over, along come plans for another one. Early plans in this case, but the next of C S Lewis Narnia books to be adapted for the screen will be The Silver Chair. This is a change of the original plan, as The Magicians Nephew had been lined up. But Walden Medias deal with The C S Lewis Company ended, and The Mark Gordon Company has taken over the series. Expect the new Narnia film to be a very different, entirely recast beast when it finally arrives. Clerks III Kevin Smith remains committed to Clerks III, but hes moved it down his schedule a little to focus on one or two other projects. Specifically, he wants to shoot his holiday anthology feature Comes The Krampus beforehand. Hes got the small matter of the hugely-promising Tusk to release too. Clerks III is still happening, and may well shoot before the year is out. Contagion 2 A film thats being quietly developed at Warner Bros, with Scott Z Burns - the writer of the first film - taking on a producer role. If this one does finally escape development hell, then Steven Soderbergh definitely wont be directing. The whole project sounds like a long shot, in truth. Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2 Woo-ping Yuen has been directing Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon II: The Green Destiny. Starring Donnie Yen and Michelle Yeoh, the film is set to be tonally very different from Ang Lees Oscar-winning original. It may sneak out before the end of the year, but an early 2015 release seems more likely. Despicable Me 3 The minions of Despicable Me have their own spin-off movie coming in 2015. But theres also a full Despicable Me 3 on the way as well. Universal and Illumination Entertainment are lining the film up for 2017, and Ken Daurio is working on a script.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Apr 2014 22:08:29 +0000

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