Blessed Wonder Working Wednesday. Today as we flow with Jesus - TopicsExpress


Blessed Wonder Working Wednesday. Today as we flow with Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour we will witness for sure all the blessings and promises blossom right before us for our hearts delight and enjoyment and knowing for sure He is always with us, not leaving us even for a split second but letting His face shine on us giving us the peace that nothing and no one else can give. Let us dive into Psalm 23 and let our cup overflow with goodness, never running dry! 1. Today the Lord shepherds us through our schedules and we realise we have no lack but loaded with benefits. 2. He makes us lie down in green pastures, making us feel refreshed with brand new ideas, giving us the right thoughts and emotions that would build us up, rejoicing and praising the Lord always and in our case, our pasture is greener always! Amen! For nobody can satisfy all our needs like our Good Shepherd! YESHUA! 3. He leads me beside the still and restful waters, never allowing wrong teaching, concepts, perception or negativity to enter us troubling the waters within us. He keeps us pure and serene. Today we can experience this inner cool peace despite what is happening around us for we rest our head and thoughts on His mighty shoulders. 4, The Lord refreshes and restores multifold quality and quantity in our life that we will not regret or even feel disappointed that we have been deceived. 5. The Lord leads us to His path of righteousness, uprightness and right standing with God, so today we can let our hair down and walk boldly in His presence into the embrace of Daddy God! Feeling loved and secured to overcome anything and everything! 6. His rod protects us from all dangers and His staff guides us to the right place at the right time so no time and effort is ever wasted! 7. He comforts us by drawing close to us and equipping us with all that we need to be an asset to our school or workplace. 8. The Lord prepares a table before us in the presence of our enemies, so in no way will we feel threatened or ridiculed but accepted and honoured by others for they come to know our God and His power and begin to believe in Him. 9. He anoints our head with oil, keeping stress, pressure, tension and wrong believing at bay, so as to nourish us with right believing based on the doctrine of His finished work that gives us the inheritance to be called His beloved sons and daughters. 10. He makes our cup overflow with blessings and favour this day so that wherever we go we experience victory effortlessly. 11. His goodness, mercy, and unfailing love hunt us down today and everyday of our lives for His name sake, so that we know for sure that nothing can separate us from His unconditional love and we have the Creator of the Universe holding our right hand tightly secured and will never let go. 12. The house of the Lord shall be our dwelling place for He has given us both heaven and earth so we are able to experience heaven on earth as we walk and draw close to Him and lay our head on His bosom. Friends, today we have the heavenly pleasure to experience Jesus pastoral care in an awesome way! Amen!
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 23:11:05 +0000

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