Blogging when done correctly can be a very rewarding practice and - TopicsExpress


Blogging when done correctly can be a very rewarding practice and in the long term can create a prospect lead in to a buying customer. To establish this you need to be the go to expert in your particular niche where people can come and get the applicable answers that they are looking for to solve their problems. Its not easy to create the perfect blog it does require time and commitment but once you have that you are good to go,put your passion into your blog and your blog will do the rest over time. Tip for the day. When prospective people visit your website they need to be engaged in your content from the moment they hit your page if you miss out on this vital component then you are in trouble and you could potentially lose them to a better website and that is something we don,t want to occur. The answer is 100% unique content which is engaging , useful and potentially problem solving, what i mean by unique for those of you out there who are new to internet marketing is as follows :- 1 unique content is both user friendly 2. creates engagement 3 . ranks in the search engines 4. you are the only one with that content 5. you are the authourity figure within your niche If you have the following above then you are perfectly positioned to provide conversational connections with your clients . 6. And last of all dont pitch your business idea constantly because people don,t relate to pitch fests and can very quickly lose interest in what you are about, just remember this simple procedure people don,t buy from you until they know, like, and trust you. People relate more to the individual in question rather than the business itself.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 23:46:15 +0000

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