Boehner Secretly Approves the Libyan Gun Recovery and Syrian Gun - TopicsExpress


Boehner Secretly Approves the Libyan Gun Recovery and Syrian Gun Running options…Benghazi Don’t look now, but Benghazi is back in the news (although not because the D.C. presses corps is finally doing their due diligence…their job). Instead, the news is buzzing about a brazen prison break in the violent, eastern Libyan city. It’s been nearly a year since the brutal September 11, 2012 execution of American Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans. And the D.C. journalists have uncovered nothing. They lack investigative willpower and can’t think of any questions to ask, despite the total lack of disclosure by the Obama administration. These attacks have shown us that a complaint or complacent media, together with corrupt politicians, can keep average Americans from knowing the truth. Cover-up in the U.S. capitol is only possible when all the sides work cohesively together, and the Benghazi cover-up machine has worked remarkably well. Thankfully, congressmen Steve Stockman and Louie Gohmert, both of Texas, have launched a discharge petition to force John Boehner to allow a vote on House Resolution 36 (the creation of a select committee to investigate the murders of these Americans in Benghazi). We can only hope that a small group of heroic backbench Republicans will successfully stop John Boehner from protecting Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama from the culpability of full disclosure. You see, a vote on the select committee creation has been repeatedly blocked by John Boehner. He’s trying his best to work closely with Barack Obama, and doesn’t want the truth about Obama’s foreign policy disasters to get in the way of their relationship. Boehner would rather the truth seekers shut up and keep their opinions to themselves. However, it has come to my attention that Boehner is obstructing the Benghazi investigation because he secretly approved of the Libyan gun recovery and Syrian gun running ops. The President had to get some kind of congressional approval for them. If there were an investigation, this could come out – officially. He would then be seen furthering the President’s foreign policy objectives, contrary to the stated tenets of his party. So, there you have it why there are no answers in, and justice to, the Benghazi incident.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 21:11:59 +0000

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