Bokokewii El Kurismas (Generous Christmas) I think this is the - TopicsExpress


Bokokewii El Kurismas (Generous Christmas) I think this is the best Palauan word that fits the central idea of Christmas. It is very Palauan concept to give what you have to friends and visitors alike. It is not just in the giving that matters but setting aside your most desired food or belonging for other people. This is an everyday traditional edict (llach) that true Palauans do in their daily interaction (delongeled kid ma bebil er a rechad). Not just for one day of the year like Valentine, Thanksgiving or Christmas day. It is giving the best of what you got in hope of expressing what is in your heart for others. This was the way of life and not some euphoric (dmeu a rengud) celebration you do only for special holidays. Palauans would eat days old taro while the freshly cooked taros would be set aside in case relatives or visitors would show up unexpectedly. The operative word here is unexpectedly. We just prepare everyday and are ready because it is not courteous to give less than ideal taro to visitors or guests. Also fishermen after painstaking fishing expedition would not think of enjoying the best of their catch but to give it to others. This is also not only for special days but for every fishing trip. And they begin the distribution of the fish with elderly widows, homes with no able men, and homes with many children until every household in the village has fish to eat. The idea of giving is deeply rooted in our traditions in how we do things and not just because it is a celebration. If we are celebrating Christmas because of one man named Jesus, he should be happy that Palauans started this practice in anticipation and long before his arrival. And Jesus in his relatively short life gave simple things like care, forgiveness and love all of which no amount of money in this world can buy. I hope we do not lose our senses and begin to look for expensive gifts in hope of expressing true care, forgiveness, and love. Our ancestors were kind and caring people in their everyday life. So why not do Christmas this year in the true simple spirit of caring and giving by doing the simple things. The spirit of Christmas or what Jesus would have intended does not come in fancy wrappings that you would find in department stores in Koror. Bring your best taros whether in belsiich or just fresh ngeliokl for offering. And many of us cannot eat fish everyday because of the economy. Funny only sometime into not too distance past all we ate was fish because of the economy. But today fresh fish is only for those who have boats and those with money to buy gasoline to go fishing or go straight to the fish markets to buy extremely expensive fish. Little wonder most people go chicken. So whatever you have and willing to give for others would express this true spirit of giving much more than you thought. Simple ways are by far still better so do not reach into your pockets. So for those of you who look at the stores and dream of Christmas look into hearts for simplicity of care, forgiveness, and love in ways that money cannot buy. I am sure you would find many things and ways available to you. These are not only the Palauan way but what the man who brought Christmas to us would do if he were around today. And the best thing about it is these things are usually free because they are from the heart. Christmas is about being bokokewii and telling other people you rather give to them what is truly in your hearts. Bokokewii el Kurismas and God bless Belau.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 23:26:23 +0000

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