Bombshell! “Dealing with both the puppets and puppeteers: The - TopicsExpress


Bombshell! “Dealing with both the puppets and puppeteers: The case of the visionless Unity Party Youth Congress”! - ASPAC official response to the Unity Party November 13, 2014 Fellow citizens Ladies and gentlemen of the press This press conference is the initial rejoinder to a boneheaded, reckless and senseless press statement released by the Chairman of the Youth Congress of the ‘Dead-head’ Unity Party We read the Unity Party Youth Congress official response to Mr. Ali Sylla’s withdrawal from the Montserrado County Special Senatorial race and noticed cunningness, doubling-dealing, deceitfulness and their usual attributes of fakery and dishonesty. It is interesting to emphasize that as Mr. Sylla is battling medical situations to gain control of his life, his party is only interested in making political and cash gains even at the expense of his life. ASPAC uses this medium to nose plunge beyond the medical condition of our leader, the former candidate, and draw the attention of the Liberian people on how the young idiot presiding over the leadership of the youth in the Unity Party along with others, undermined, abandoned and hunted all means selfishly to make cash profits at the expense of then candidate Ali Sylla. But thank God ASPAC was intelligent enough to detest these counterproductive attitudes of Mr. Tweh and his bunch of financial gangs. Ladies and gentlemen of the press, for the record, Mr. Sylla through email officially communicated to the leadership of the Unity Party on October 13, 2014 of his plans to travel to the United States for medical reasons. We have in our possession, signatures of recipients of said communication. More to that, Mr. Sylla was medically advised to be vigilant of his daily activities and preferably shut down tough outdoor activities for a while. Upon receiving said medical instructions, he quickly informed his party and further communicated his letter of withdrawal to the party in keeping with administrative practices. The Secretary General of the Unity Party is aware and on the record for receiving this letter of withdrawal. It is only unfortunate that Amos Tweh was guided and tele-guided to tell a bold face lie about this situation. Beyond Sylla’s medical reason for withdrawal: Other tangible reasons identified by ASPAC! Fellow Liberians, when our leader, Ali Sylla won the Unity Party’s primary, this crashed and evildoer political party refused to endorse our leader and most of their executive members openly pledged their supports to other candidates including Robert Sirleaf. Disgustingly, almost all of them that gave their supports to other candidates in the race were the same group of people that campaigned and voted for comrade leader Ali Sylla at the UP’s primary in Congo Town. Imagine, after the Unity Party primary, the Chairman of the Party-Montserrado County Chapter-Steve Neuville started having meetings with Christopher Neyor to a dead-end and later endorsed Robert Sirleaf while Sylla was still in the race. It is not an open secret in these elections to see the leadership of the Unity Party most especially the Youth Congress consistently in public canvassing for another candidate against the interest of its candidate, what a desperate show of arrogance for greed and self-interest. Amos Tweh, one of the chief wheelers and dealers of these illegal initiatives, the head of Unity Party Montserrado chapter, and the coordinators of the seventeen districts were covertly meeting to give supports for candidates outside of the Unity Party; it is only foolhardy for one to believe that Sylla got the full support of the Unity Party. Moreover, no responsible ruling political party will allow her candidate to process his/her personal registration at the National Election Commission. Unity Party didn’t give Sylla a dime for his registration process, what a shame and disgrace to a ruling establishment! Ali Sylla was a lone General left to fight the cause of the Unity Party! Who is the betrayer here? How will a brat, half-baked, and brainless character like Amos Tweh called brother Sylla a coward and betrayer after he unreasonably wrote this on the 20th of July, 2014 during which Ali had already won the primary? The spoiled child and bubbleheaded-Amos Tweh , Chairman of the Unity Party Youth Congress wrote this: “ Well, my position on Montserrado County Senatorial race remains definitely cleared like the dry season sky: I want to confirm that there are pockets of discussions taking place at the moment amongst party leaders and proxies of our candidate, if all goes well and one PARTY backs-off, I will stand tall in the campaign for the concessional candidate”. Amos, the double-crosser and Judas of the Unity Party admitted that there were pockets of discussions among party leaders to abandon Ali Sylla and support an alternative candidate. Who was/is this Concessional candidate of Montserrado County? Amos further lamented that they were serving as proxies for Mr. Sylla without his knowledge during these discussions. Tweh-the fabulist, stated that if all the negotiations go well and Ali Sylla backs-off, he will stand tall in the campaign for “CONCESSIONAL” candidate; meaning, compromising ethics and loyalty to the party. Comrades, please be the judge; was Ali not abandoned? Besides Sylla’s principal reason of withdrawal (further medical attention), was he not used as a scapegoat to satisfy their interest? If so, who is this “Concessional” candidate? We need to know. Now, listen and listen well. Let me reveal to you that Amos and others were thinking that Ali Sylla was negotiating with other candidates to leave the race thereby selling-out to one of the candidates. They argued that Sylla should have consulted them in order to be the ‘lead negotiators’ as they normally do. Sylla didn’t negotiate with anyone and he also didn’t sellout. If he really did as claimed by the Youth Congress, than to whom did it ‘sell-out’ to? If your party is credible enough, tell us who is the ‘buyer’ of the ‘sell-out’? This party (UP), is a ‘Registered political-business entity” which was seen in the 2011 general elections. In 2011, Brother Patrick Worzie won at the party’s convention as a senatorial aspirant; but in their normal political-business strategy and plan, the party abandoned brother Worzie and gave-in her support to an unpopular candidate-now Information Minister Lewis Brown after insulting their standard bearer. Even in the national legislature, majority of the lawmakers that are considered ‘Legislative rascals’ are from the Unity Party. In order to continue their normal chicaneries, they supported an independent candidate for the position of Senate Pro Tempt at the Liberian Senate. In Nimba, the party did the same to Brother Teeko Yorley thereby giving their supports to Senator Prince Johnson. Who is the traitor? The Unity Party didn’t bring forth candidates for Grand Geded and Grand Bassa Counties for this special senatorial election, should we also argue that the party “sold-out”? We don’t want to delve into other undercover happenings like the case of Hon. Fahnbulleh and Wilmot Paye at the Ganta Convention in Nimba and the case in Gbarpolu between Madam Bartu Dorley and Theordore Momo. Presently In the same Gbarpolu, your party officials including the standard bearer of your failed party are giving their supports to the ANC candidate-Daniel Nathan against the party’s candidate-Gertude Lamine. We could name more and more events, but let’s move on. Who is the betrayer? For the crackpot and outlandish Youth Congress of the Unity Party to insinuate that Ali Sylla is relatively ‘unknown partisan’ of UP clearly suggests to me that this child-play social group is gifted with liars and sophisticated storytellers. I don’t think this oafish political mafia group knows brother Sylla well. How will someone be ‘unknown’ when he served as co-chairman for mobilization/Campaign Launch of your now worthless party? In 2011, he was a strategist of the Party’s Strategic Media Team which led to the victory of your party. Sylla contested at the party’s primary in District 7-Montserrado County although the party used her normal ‘undercover diplomacy’ and gave Sylla’s result to Musa Dean. You see how ingrate you are? It seems comical for the Youth Congress of the meaningless and ‘leftover’ Unity Party to call Ali Sylla a ‘political Johhny-Don’t Care’. The Unity Party is the most ‘careless and non-essential’ political vehicle on this planet. This is a political party that left almost all of her partisans in the dungeon of political dejavu when it comes to employment opportunities. Today, many of your partisans are suffering from psychological trauma and inbalances due to your reckless and irresponsible behaviors toward them. This situation has led to your party headquarters to be widely known as ‘ghost village’. No one cares to go there because things have fallen apart! Who is the Johnny-Don’t care in this case? It is regrettably regretful for the toothless Youth Congress of the irresponsible ‘Disunity Party’ formerly known as the Unity Party to label brother Sylla as ‘coward’ and’ ingrate’ . If the ruthless Chairman and his cohorts are men enough, let them tell us who did Ali ‘sell out’ to. Only cowards can behave the way this senseless party is behaving. Do you really know a betrayer and an ingrate? Do you really know the character-Musa Bility? Musa, an executive of your disgruntled party is a ‘Certified Public Betrayer’. He has been supportive of Amb. Weah’s bid to be Senator of this county even before Sylla’s withdrawal. Why didn’t you tell him about his political ‘double dribble’ game? I openly challenge you to discuss this with Musa Bility, but only Sylla you are using as a scapegoat to achieve your nasty goal. Which category can you put him? Can we consider him a ‘betrayer’? Hon. Edwin Melvin Snowe is also in similar category, he shamelessly and openly gave his support to Amb. Weah while brother Sylla was still in the race. Are they party-discipline? If so, who is the betrayer? Bility and Snowe are ‘expects’ of betrayal! Other betrayers! Going forward! Let me name other political players of betrayals that are members of your dead-horse party but supporting other candidates (non-Unity Partisans) including Robert Sirleaf, they are: Madam Marry Broh, Min. Morris Dukuly, J. Duncan Cassel, almost all of the UP junior Ministers, UP coordinators in Montserrado County, and the list is endless. For them, they are the foot soldiers and commandos of betrayals! ASPAC uses this medium to warn the Liberian voting populace and Candidates to be vigilant of the Unity Party Youth Congress for it has unveiled a double-dealing gimmick to siphon money from candidates in the name of declaring support. The withdrawal of Sylla from the race also saved us from an uphill battle that would have constrained our arsenal to provide answers in defense of the Unity Party for people like Amos Tweh who cannot provide a single policy on the urbanization of the state since serving as Deputy Minister for Urban Affairs at the Ministry of Internal Affairs. ASPAC seriously warns the governing Unity Party Youth Congress and her 17 hard-headed Janjaweed coordinators of Montserrado County to desist in spreading lies and falsehood about the withdrawal of Ali Sylla from the pending elections ASPAC calls on all its supporters, militants, sympathizers and well-wishers to stand by Brother Ali Sylla in these difficult times of his life. However, ASPAC will not remain silent in the ensuing election and will make known its positions on the way forward in the elections in subsequent times. Ladies and gentlemen of the Press, thank you for coming. Signed: ____________________________ Vallai M. Dorley Chairman-ASPAC
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 14:18:17 +0000

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