Book Part 22, Reviewing the Facts and the Fiction (The rest of - TopicsExpress


Book Part 22, Reviewing the Facts and the Fiction (The rest of this book is on my face-book page.) Wow we covered a lot, like maybe 40 years of government history, well 30 I guess. 10 years 1997-2007 were uneventful as far as I know. So whats fact, whats fiction.? If you believe it all. you may think these guys are a bunch of low life thieves supporting a woman of ill repute at our expense.That we are running an apparent amusement park for prison inmates where killers swim in our pool, conceive their kids at our health department, our war memorial building and last, but far from least, our county courthouse. They are allowed to steal from us and smuggle at will. That the politicians, the cops, the prison system all knew and know about it, wouldn’t stop it, will lie about it and come after anybody that tries to expose them. Now if you don’t believe any of it. That I’m just an attention seeking liar trying to create a lot of drama well thats OK too, at least I got you to read it. It’s out here now on the Internet for all to read, that was my purpose. So if I’m the bad guy here let’s think a minute. I put myself, my family at risk, been threatened, harassed, called on the phone, received correspondence from inmates from two states, been told to watch my back from, lost friends, been called crazy and dangerous since June of 2008. I spent my own money to print up flyers, make signs, got in the face of cops, cons and politicians at the local, state, and federal level, all to perpetuate a lie. What did I want out of it all. I feel you must rage against an unfair corrupt system even if you are all alone and have no or very little hope of changing that system. If you don’t do that, you are just as guilty of wrongdoing as those you are going up against. If people stood idly by and did nothing, entire races of people would still be treated unjustly. More importantly I believe God placed this in my path to see what I would do with it. It has been a very Spiritual experience. I know a very little of what His Son must have felt to be totally alone in His fight against evil and the rewarding of evil, I have prayed to be released from this burden I have carried for so long, many times. It were as though I were haunted by those who can no longer cry out for justice. The young mother from Columbia whose killer was allowed to dance with our city hall employees and swim in our pool. The 53 year old beautician, mother of two, strangled to death in Charleston. Lastly my 80 year old mother who took carried me to church when I was too young to walk that far. She always told me to stand up for what was right no matter the cost. She stood with me as long as she could stand. Lay there on her deathbed, afraid, not of dying, but of what was happening, the evil, just beyond our front door. She still tried to fight that evil until, God closed her eyes and took her home. It was only a short time later the reporter I talked about in this story showed up at my door. I always felt it was her that made my plea, who asked our Lord and Saviour to send me help, encourage me to continue the fight for as long as I could. It were as though all of the victims of violent crime seemed to be saying, fight for us, avenge us, tell our stories. So at 62 I have done all I feel that I can. I have told their stories, the ones I knew of, again and again. I, with Gods help, have accomplished more than I thought possible, done more, traveled farther than I ever could have alone. I exposed those that needed exposing and what they allowed to happen. I pray for them and hope they mend their evil ways, as I try to mend my own. Hopefully you ladies can rest in peace now and one day soon perhaps God will welcome me home just like HE did all of you. HE will say to me what I so long, but, don’t deserve to hear, Well Done My Good and Faithful Servant, Enter into My Kingdom. I thank you all for the reading. I thank God for leading me down this very difficult path. To show me what it’s like to stand alone to try with all my heart to defend the defenseless, those that very few seem to care about now-a-days. Those being My lady’s and the thousands of victims of violent crimes from around the county, the state and the world. Remember them, punish the evil done them, but, then forgive those who did that evil, who care enough to ask. Remember this story, hopefully a similar one won’t have to be told again here in this town, many years after I’m gone. Again, Thanks for the Reading, I am John Massey from Chester.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 23:04:11 +0000

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