Bottom line is under current contributions by employers/incs/llcs. - TopicsExpress


Bottom line is under current contributions by employers/incs/llcs. The systems been running surpluses and loaning it to the govt. For 75/80 years and is as has been stated by congess on both sides of the aisle on the floor of congress that it is not broke it is not in jeopardy and it is not payed for by your fed. Tax. Witholding and does not increase the deficit/debt. Its not a hand out or an expensive entitlement. It is an INSURANCE POLICY to workers only who dont die before getting too old to stand walk or work a little dignity for us to at least feed ourselves and not be a burden before we die basicly. Thus the name social security insurance/INSURANCE POLICY! not govt funded handout/entitelment like its refered too. It is a living and breathing document that can be voted on and the amount contributed by corp. America. Well once you say as Hillary Clinton said during her presidential campaign on the floor on cspan while holding up pie charts of budgets and spending and social security funding "THAT ALL YOU DO IS RAISE THE ANOUNT CHARGED TO THE CORPORATIONS AND REMOVE CAPS AND THIS N THAT! YOU RAISE THE HAIR ON EVERY RED BLOODED REPUBLICAN BUSINESS OWNER/ACCOUTANT/ BUSINESS LAWYER/BANKER LIKE YOU SOB, YOU JUST LET THE CAT OUT OF THE BAG. AND LIKE any good number crunching business owner they run right to the profit and loss statement and do their due diligence and see the expense go up and the profit go down and go into cost shifting mode to try and balance/breakeven on this democratic attack on their business and cost shift so it dont effect them. And yours and my median wage stays stagnant for generations blah blah blah. So then in the heat of that battle and the bush budget busting battles So smartass has to say HHEY LETS MAKE IT SO EVERYONE IN THE COUNTRY CAN HAVE HEALTH INSURANCE AND FINE PEOPLE FOR NOT BUYING IT! WELL.........................Thats the last straw. They mega cap. Cos who have all the money and all the power and the purse strings in the House are United in controlling thus whole fucjing 15 trillion a year gdp ,all the vusiness tranactions in america added up. And take subsides and corporate welfare to the EXTREME! EEEXXXTREME I TELL YOU. LIKE 500 BILLION HERE 1 TRILLION HERE IS SIPHONED OFF FOR BANKING OVERNIGHT BTW. ON HIS WAY BACK TO TEXAS ANOTHER TRILLION ON THE CARD THAT I GAURANTEE YOU THEY HAVE NO INTENTION ON PAYING BACK. THEY WILL BE SITTIN PRETTY WITH THE MONEY /REWARD AND THE AMERICAN TAXPAYER WILL BE BURIED IN THE RISK/BURDEN. SOCIAL SECURITY NEEDS A BILL PASSED IN 10 YEARS,READ article, and everyones having a blast as long as we are swiping the countries charge card. But like a marriage of two parties breaking up! Who will pay the debt! 25 trillon by then. Is congress populated by representives of the people for the people by the people. "OR IS THAT BUT A PIPE DREAM?"
Posted on: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 17:58:02 +0000

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