Braylon will be one year old tomorrow. Typically his mother - TopicsExpress


Braylon will be one year old tomorrow. Typically his mother updates this page, but I, his father, wanted to write a note for all those who love and support him, and us. Even in one year of life, this young man has been through a lifetime of both challenges and achievements. Typical physiology says that he wouldnt even become one year old, but Braylon is a determined fighter. Months before his birth, we were told by numerous doctors that he may not have a good quality of life, usually shortly followed by an upsetting question asked of us, that still irritates me today, and our response was always quickly the same. No. This was a life created, and God knew his parents and he could handle it, even if we didnt understand how or why. But we trust in Him. By far, this was the best decision ever made, and one of the greatest lifes ever created - I may be slightly biased. Braylon is an extraordinary young man and overcomes great odds everyday. He has endured two open heart procedures, a couple heart caths, countless EKGs, has numerous scars, is blessed to need very few medications, yet he still has an incredibly good quality of life. Cardiology has stated before, if you were to have half a heart, youd want Braylons. He may currently be in excellent standing and have an ideal (2 chamber) heart function, but it has not been an easy road. Weve had countless obstacles, setbacks, questions, fears, worries, shed many tears, asked for many things in prayer and given back many praises. Theres even been moments when weve held our breath. By Gods grace, we seem to be doing well with our circumstances. I never imagined Id be the father whod have to monitor oxygen saturation & various heart parameters, legitimately use a stethoscope on occasion, sleep (or lack thereof) many nights next to an infant hospital bed, and highly educate myself on cardiac function. Only a year into this, I wouldnt have it any other way, and I cannot wait to see what an incredible life this young boy has ahead of him! God has a plan for all our lives and we must wholeheartedly embrace what we are blessed with everyday, and know that we will become stronger with our struggles. Aside from his unique physiology, Braylon is just a regular child. He has quite a personality, loves his family, loves to laugh, loves to eat, is growing as any child should, and is one of the most handsome men I know. Never once have we considered him to be a burden, he is nothing but an amazing blessing in our life, and us in his, for however long The Lord has planned. He is a living testament to Gods love, mercy, and goodness. Its through our faith, our commitment to be the best parents we can, our constant positive outlook and mindset, YOUR generous prayers, positive thoughts, support, and love that this young boy is thriving and full of life. Weve been blessed with many remarkable medical people, technology, and knowledge that have played such an integral part in his care and sustained life, and we continue to and will always be grateful to every single person involved. We cannot express our gratitude enough to you all for what you mean to us and to Braylon for caring so much. Thank you. To Braylon - Happy Birthday! Keep fighting the good fight son. Just because you may only have half a heart does not mean your life will not be whole.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 02:18:40 +0000

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