Breaking News, Politburo meeting resolutions! Hahahaha, - TopicsExpress


Breaking News, Politburo meeting resolutions! Hahahaha, tinombonzi vanaani isu, we are called Sahwira wa Baba Jukwa a.k.a Baba Jukwa friend. Ok, what do you want to know Zimbabweans For Prosperity? You want to know what the fat cats discussed at the Politburo meeting today in 14th Floor ZANU(PF) Headquarters? Hey dont be too inquisitive, but who are we not to be the first to tell you the juicy stories thanks to our Sahwira. First was Mai Mujuru. She tells everyone that she tendered her resignation and that it will stand until Mugabe tells the meeting that he is by her side. Mugabe keeps quiet but (name withheld) tells him that this is the last Politburo meeting with a United ZANU(PF) unless he provides leadership. Meanwhile Jonathan Moyo is writing something on his notebook. Mugabe says that the meeting is supposed to discuss items on the agenda in the order they are printed. First thing is suspension of Chairperson of Provinces. Rugare Gumbo says the Vice Presidents issue is more pressing. Mugabe gives him a nasty look. Oh, come on Zimbabweans For Prosperity, you still want to know more? The Resolutions: (1) Grace to be condemned publicly by lower levels of the party. (2) Grace to be barred from holding another wave of rallies (3)Investigate Jonathan Moyo and CIA links (4)Investigate the Jonathan Moyo, Rugare Gumbo, Saviour Kasukuwere Baba Jukwa link and (4) Jonathan Moyo to stop abusing State Media And (5) The official statement released to the media must say something else. Its up to Rugare Gumbo to draft the official information for the press that depicts a united party. In the end Mugabe had already left the meeting for obvious reasons. (*ave kuzvimamira*). So the meeting went all into late night without The Head of State and Government and Commander-in-Chief of all loose women like Oppah Muchinguri
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 21:23:00 +0000

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