Brendan Nyhan et al, are playing Whac-A-Mole with messages and - TopicsExpress


Brendan Nyhan et al, are playing Whac-A-Mole with messages and getting no results. Well, yeah. I think the research described in this article completely misses the point of why so many people dont believe messages from science/medicine and elsewhere. What drives more and more people to trust authorities of all stripes less and less, is less the rattling of old bones of superstition and ignorance and more the corruption of integrity in institutions that were once considered rock solid. In my younger days we not only trusted science, but were in awe of science. Since that time, the awe has dimmed and the trust has evaporated in the minds of many, for very many good reasons. We used to trust that government regulators would protect us, but who has such trust now? If you do Ill call you naive to your face. Law enforcement and the Justice system were once thought to be on our side yet now few but the most foolish believe youll get justice if youre like Manning or a Snowden and your agenda doesnt align with the economic power elite, or if your skin is too dark or you simply dont have enough cash. Then, there are our information delivery systems: TV news is such a bad joke its become a parody of itself, a sad fact witnessed regularly on the Daily Show; theres so much static noise and corruption rampant in our corporate media I wouldnt trust a thing that comes out of it farther than I could shove it back down their lying throats. Politics and government are so slanted toward big money that nobody trusts anything about them at all. The richest among us have bought up everything and have so twisted it all to suit their own narrow interests that nobody in their right mind with a modicum of intelligence would trust anything they touch. And they want everything and they just wont stop. So, you may wonder how all this is connected to folks rejecting their proper medications. LOL!! The world is full of lying assholes tricking you daily into supporting predatory wars by default through the very apathy they drill into you; they sell you crap food and theyve got you eating it and living fat and sick lives; they sell you junk programming and theyve got you watching it and believing in it and going stupid; all of this with a daily drone of Bernaysian messaging. Our experts and authorities in business, academia, law enforcement, the military and government and elsewhere are are shills of sleazy economic predators who, by hook and crook simply want to own you for as long as you can produce wealth for them and then discard you like trash Why, oh, why would you let the laboratory shills of corporate predators stick a needle into your flesh? Please dont pester me with descriptions of less scary methods of inoculation than needle-in-flesh. My daughters were raised in Japan and got all their shots without fear or hesitation. Now theyre grown and can decide what to do for themselves. I have no direct ties with anti-vaccine groups or movements. Yet, Im well informed about predatory corporate shills posing as labs, corrupting pools of drug data, endangering the public, for self-serving, predatory profit. How far a cry is that from any other lab thats dominated by yet another porcine corporate behemoth? Every aspect of society has become so threateningly predatory due to the sacrosanct, out-of-control profit motive that drives every corporation to lie, cheat, steal, bribe and kill its no wonder people have circled the wagons with a few good, trusted friends as if the woods were filled with ravenous wolves. Yeah, well, its actually true. And the henhouse is gutted. And were lunch. Thank you MJ for keeping me informed about lying, predatory corporate shill laboratories passing untested dangerous chemicals off on us in order to increase their profit margin. - Bill m.motherjones/environment/2014/03/tritan-certichem-eastman-bpa-free-plastic-safe
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 05:19:10 +0000

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