Brethren, I say this at the risk of offending many, but I feel its - TopicsExpress


Brethren, I say this at the risk of offending many, but I feel its important to bring up. THIS IS A LONG POST, but I strongly urge all of you to please take the time to read it. Thank you. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We need to stop being fearful and calling ourselves Gentiles or just grafted in. If we are Two House or Ephraim as we claim, let us not be apprehensive to really dig into our roots and where the tribes went after the dispersion – more specifically, solving the mysterious prophecies of Genesis 49. Are you willing to find out genetically and ethnically who the 12 Tribes are – not just to unlock Bible prophecy, which is 2/3 of the entire Bible, but also to start the trace of your own family roots – or are you worried about offending people? The reason I ask this question is not to start an argument, but because I have had many great brethren refuse to explore the information Im about to share with you. Please let us remember Proverbs 18:13: He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him. So, if you are concerned with offending people – and possibly other brethren, even – with some hard sayings of Scripture (John 6:60-61) and fringe study topics – I wont push this on anyone. I greatly appreciate our brethren in ministry and all of the good theyre doing. It is definitely a movement of YAH that Hebraic Roots and Torah are experiencing a meteoric rise worldwide. However, at the same time, I also feel very disappointed and shortchanged that even most Two House teachers do not teach one vital piece of the puzzle – and all for the sake of political correctness. Im here to tell you this – not all of the tribes are Ephraim and Ephraim is way more than just the fullness of the Gentiles. __________________________________________________ If you are interested, thank you for bearing with this long post and I will cut to the chase. Our ministry has a three-part series on the migration of the 12 tribes of Israel, where they are today and how it helps to unlock Genesis 49. This is an introduction/summary of the basic approach, if you care to read this before watching the video: Then said the Jews among themselves, Whither will He go, that we shall not find Him? will He go unto the dispersed among the Gentiles, and teach the Gentiles? – John 7:35 The Greek word for dispersed in this verse is diaspora (διασπορά). Its ironic that the unbelieving Jewish people use a Greek word from the New Testament they dont even believe in to describe their exile from the land. Diaspora is also used in these verses: 1 Peter 1:1: the strangers scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia.. This is the same Greek word as in James 1:1: the twelve tribes which are SCATTERED abroad... We casually read and skim over these Scriptures without carefully considering what the writer is saying. Who are these people in these areas? The same peoples mentioned in 1 Peter 1:1 are mentioned in Acts 2:9-11 at the outpouring of Ruach HaQadosh at Pentecost: Parthians, Medes, Cappadocia, Pontus, Asia, etc. These people in Acts 2 were the 12 Tribes returning back home – not Gentile or strangers. All of these areas the Apostles wrote letters to is the region historians now call the Caucasus Mountains. This extended from Northern Africa to Europe and Asia Minor – the empire of Carthage, the Scythians, Parthians, etc. – and many other kindred peoples. Evidently, this is where we get the term Caucasian from – keep in mind this does not necessarily refer to skin color but the region we come from. For example, both Europeans, Arabs and some people from India are Caucasian – despite Arabs being darker skinned, and say Mediterraneans having darker skin and hair than the Nordic Europeans up north. They have also found Paleo Hebrew artifacts possessed by specific American Indian tribes in North America, which recent students confirm some tribes to be genetically related to Caucasians – ironic considering the evils we committed against them and how they vilified us as the white man, while we called them the redskins. The 12 Tribes of Israel are far more broad than the 12 million known Jewish people. Think about it – if Isaac gets a greater blessing than Ishmael, why are the Ishmaelites (200 million Arabs) greater in number than Israel, the seed of promise? This makes no sense and does not fit into Bible prophecy. Genesis 9:26-27 prophesies: Blessed be YHWH Elohim of Shem...Elohim shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem. If youre a Bible believer, we all know that all of the races of mankind come from Noahs three sons. These are Shem (Caucasian peoples), Ham (African or aboriginal peoples) and Japheth (Asiatic peoples). Since Japheth is enlarged, who is the largest ethnic group on the planet? Look no further than the 1 billion plus people in China. Japheth did indeed dwell in the tents of Shem, as evident by the Caucasus Mountains bordering both Europe and Asia. This is why it is often called Eurasia. Which is why the American Indians were at one point considered all to be Asiatic people – now we see the connection with the people of Shem and why they had Paleo Hebrew artifacts. My ministry partner, Lynn Lites, found a Star of David in her family crest. Keep in mind that she does not have a traditionally Jewish last name, did not take a blood test, nor would she be recognized by the Jewish people as one of the tribes. Sister Lynn desired to be the apple of YAHs eye for a long time and felt that with her longing to return to Torah and the Hebraic roots of the faith, that she very well could be one of the lost sheep returning back to the Good Shepherds flock. It turns out she was. Could it be that many of us have chosen this peculiar path that most of our family and friends think is bizarre for the very same reason? We are returning to the ancient paths of our literal forefathers and physical ancestors? (Jeremiah 6:16) This is a movement of YAH to bring this truth out of the darkness, into the glorious light and into our hearts and minds – even if few are willing to discuss it. And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear My voice; and there shall be one fold, and one Shepherd. (John 10:16) You people can do the same, too, you do not need to worry about offending the Jewish people, nor playing by their rules of their accepted last names or rigged DNA tests. I make no apologies. I make no bones about it. I am Dawid Yabets Yantunen – my name in the original ancient Hebrew, from the tribe of Issachar. Currently, I am in diaspora from the land that YHWH allotted to my tribe, until my King, Yahshua HaMashiach, returns to reign in Jerusalem. My tribe is provable with Scripture prophecy, archaeology, history, linguistics and family lineage. I dont care who it offends and I will gladly debate, defend and prove these truths with anyone who opposes the Two House truth or who wishes to censor or water it down. Hopefully, you all will unite with us in studying and teaching this little-discussed aspect of the Two House doctrine – even if your other Hebrew Roots and Messianic brethren dont want to share this quest with you. https://youtube/watch?v=DHid2qBU_zc&list=UUJHzBHQfVsAy4hzXKbkI8hA
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 17:29:50 +0000

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