Brett Freeman 4 international banking groups control this entire - TopicsExpress


Brett Freeman 4 international banking groups control this entire country, from the money in our pockets to our education system. There isnt a single aspect of our lives they dont control, including your minds and emotions. They have spend Trillions on psychology and on influencing the direction of our perception. Lets start from top and work our way down. The Rothschilds banking family... A quote from a Rothschild give me control of a nations money and I care not who writes the laws The Rothschilds were the ones who financially backed Hitler. Well, they own and control our currency. If you think voting makes a difference there is a reason for it, they want you to think that. Has anything ever gotten better???? Were always in worse debt, and its the same old story. Labor gets voted in and claims cuts are needed to fix what the liberal party did. Liberal gets voted in and its the same story, cuts are need to fix what labor did. Promises broke time and time again because they now the truth. Politics is nothing more than theatre, to give the illusion of choice. Here is a link to show how rich they are, yet never a word is spoken of them. Bill gates is homeless man next to this family when it comes to wealth. Next, the Rockefeller family... A quote from David Rockefellers own book, page 405. You might want to read it a few times. Some even believe we (the Rockefeller family) are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as internationalists and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure---one world, if you will. If thats the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it. His words not mine, David Rockefeller Senior was Americas first billionaire. He started in the oil business (standard oil) and didnt pay his workers in money but coupons that could only be used in his stores. When the workers have finally had enough they went on strike, Rockefeller had them all killed. Men, women and children, it was known as the Ludlow massacre. All of this can be researched but there is to much to post. The Rockefellers helped create the League of Nations which people rejected so they came back with the United Nations, they created the American medical association, the trilateral commission, the council on foreign relations, unesco (the education system and sustainability) they control Monsanto the crap sprayed on our food known as pesticide which contains some of the same ingredients used in the agent orange which caused deforestation and massive medical issues. They also own blackwater, a group that carry out Assassinations and any other wish they have. They have also funded most psychological experiments to learn how to control human perception on mass. The most famous is known as the milgrams experiment, where they learned how easy it was to get good people to carry out bad acts. They know your mind better than you do. Im just scratching the surface with this group but I hope you get the point. rt/business/rothschild-rockefeller-strategic-partnership-590/comments/page-1/ Now for the other 2, HSBC and J.P Morgan. They have be together because they are the top 2 shareholders of comm bank, nab, westpac, anz, origin energy, BP, Shell and a list of others. They also control the courts,detention centres, and some prisons. Through a company called serco. Serco also boosts that 85% of their staff are ex civil servants. wakeup-world/2013/08/05/australias-big-4-banks-are-all-owned-by-the-same-financial-interest/ And the greatest scam of all is, we dont owe them a cent because they have never loaned us a cent. All loans are created by stealing value from the money already in circulation and loaning it back to us at interest. Its called fractional reserve banking. Positive Money NZ - changing the way money works in New Zealand 4 December - The Dominion Post article reports that the number of Kiwis who own their homes continues to decline, and economists warn it is likely to get...
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 05:27:37 +0000

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