Bridges Tip for Today: think beyond obedience. There is a heated - TopicsExpress


Bridges Tip for Today: think beyond obedience. There is a heated debate swirling around this video of a man walking a pack of german shepherds off leash down a city street. He appears to have perfect control and the dogs never deviate from their positions once. Even if you dont agree with how the dogs were trained, no one could say they are not trained effectively. The sign of skilled use of punishment is the trainer does not have to punish very often. But punishment also suppresses other behaviors. The dogs in this video hardly look around. They do not sniff or pee or do anything dogs would normally do. When one lags back for a second, he immediately snaps into position. Reading the comments, however, and listening to the bystanders in the video, it is clear how many people admire this level of control over dogs when they see it. The comments section is roiling with people on both sides of the pack-leader-vrs-positive reinforcement debate hurling insults and accusations at each other, some calling this man an abuser, others saying he is a great leader, whose dogs love and respect him. But to me all of this is totally beside the point. The issue for me is why would anyone want their dogs to be this robotically obedient in the first place? I dont care how the training is accomplished, robotic obedience is not why I have dogs, and not why I love teaching dogs things. When I teach, the messiness of learning is the fun part. I want my dogs to make mistakes, to try things, to express themselves, to problem solve, to get creative, to be dogs, and above all, I want them to always feel they are able to say no to my requests. When a dog feels safe enough to say no, or to wander away instead of staying perfectly in heel position, or to go sniff a bush, it makes all the times that dog does choose to pay attention that much more meaningful, because it is a gift freely given. themetapicture/pack-dogs-leash/?fb_comment_id=fbc_715609301861470_715780911844309_7157
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 23:11:12 +0000

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