Bringing up a child is a commitment. All human beings aspire to - TopicsExpress


Bringing up a child is a commitment. All human beings aspire to have an ideal child. When a child is born in a family, all members concentrate on shaping and moulding the child in an ideal manner. However, in the whole process, people forget that a child is an individual entity, who is young, innocent, energetic, experimentative and still learning. Therefore, we need to create a suitable environment for the child that is full of love, respect, knowledge and values so that the child grows according to his/her capabilities. As children grow, they are surrounded by many people other than their parents. Their behaviour and personality is influenced by their teachers, friends and relatives. Infact, they add traits to their own life. We must provide space and freedom to children to help them learn and recognise their skills and cultivate the right attributes and mannerisms. There are certain qualities that children should possess and for which we all should put conscious effort while grooming them. Therefore, parents and teachers should work in cooperation to build a suitable environment around the children that helps them: 1. Develop a liking towards their studies when they are at school 2. Make friends and enjoy playing when they are in the playground 3. Enjoy food and develop a habit of eating at meal-time 4. Form a habit of sleeping at bed-time 5. Have deep respect for the Lord and the religion you embrace 6. Show love for all those around them 7. Help the less fortunate and let them participate in the donation / volunteerism 8. Treat everyone, young or old, good or bad with RESPECT 9. Please, Hello, Thank you, Good Day, Excuse Me, are very important tools to politeness. 10. Dressing them appropriately as a child and to get them to articulate like a child. These qualities are positive attitudes that can be developed amongst children by exposing them to values. From a very early stage, children should be prepared to face the situations that they will have to face in todays world. They should be taught values through questioning, role plays, critically analysing the paths to be taken and predicting outcomes. NOT EVERYTHING YOUR CHILD DOES SHOULD BE ADMIRED OR IGNORED. SOMETIMES, AS PARENTS YOU SHOULD MADE A CONSTANT EFFORT TO DIFFERENTIATE THE DOs AND DONTs. If efforts are genuinely made by parents and care is taken while educating children, they will grow up as good human beings, who are intelligent, honest, punctual, friendly, courageous and those who are able to differentiate between right and wrong and likewise implement them in their lives. Dear Fbians, I am not a parent myself and there is no right or wrong to parenting. However with the years of experience I have through my profession, I hope to impart my views. Have a good week!!!
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 13:15:39 +0000

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