British Prime Minister believes that if it is confirmed that - TopicsExpress


British Prime Minister believes that if it is confirmed that Malaysian plane was shot down by a missile fired from the territory controlled by the separatists, that Moscow should be held responsible. British Prime Minister David Cameron in the light of the Malaysian airliner disaster raised the issue of the introduction of new EU sanctions against Russia. Russia could use the time to find a way out of this dangerous crisis. I hope that it will be done. But if this does not happen, we have to reply decidedly, - wrote British Prime Minister in an article published in The Sunday Times on Sunday, July 20. According to Cameron, if it is confirmed that the plane was carrying out flight MH17 was hit by a missile class air-land, released from the territory controlled by pro-Russian militants, the Moscow should be held accountable. We must be clear about what this means: it is a direct result of the fact that Russia destabilize sovereign state violates its territorial integrity, support the illegal armed formations, training and arming them, - says the head of the British government. - Russian Foreign press predicted tougher sanctions and isolation because of downed Boeing He urged European politicians to transform indignation into action. Its certainly not about the hostilities. But it is time to use our power, influence and resources to find those who committed this crime and bring them to justice. As noted in the article, the tragedy occurred Malaysian aircraft in less than a day after the U.S. imposed new sanctions against a number of Russian companies and financial institutions. At the same time the European Union, many of the participating countries which are heavily dependent on Russian gas, unlike the United States took a much more moderate position on sanctions, limited only to certain future investments in the Russian economy. For too long, there is a reluctance of a large number of European countries to see what the repercussions for what is happening in eastern Ukraine - says Cameron. - Participating in the EU meeting last Wednesday, I again saw this reluctance in action.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 08:55:00 +0000

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