Broken Pieces Part Fourteen Broken pieces Part 14 - TopicsExpress


Broken Pieces Part Fourteen Broken pieces Part 14 *Selena’s POV* “Are you sure you can’t stay longer?” My dad asked me for the millionth time. “Didn’t you say you were going to stay till Friday?” For some unknown reason my dad couldn’t get over the fact that I had to go home early. “I was going to but something got in the way. Justin’s really missing me.” “Have you talked to him a lot since you got here?” I shook my head, “We keep missing each other. When he called I’m with Abulita. When I call he’s busy. That’s another reason I have to go home.” He nodded and hugged me again, “I’m gonna miss you. I feel like I haven’t seen you in ages.” I nodded, “I know dad. Maybe next time you can come up to L.A. And then the next time I’ll come down. I’ll even bring Justin next time.” I was always glad that Justin and my dad had gotten along. From the first time they met they imminently bonded. Everytime I talk to my dad on the phone, he always asked about Justin. I guess that Justin is the son he never had. But still being my father he was shocked that Justin proposed, just like the rest of my family. They were also sad that Justin couldn’t be here. Of course I mentioned he had to work and they understood but they wished they could welcome him into our Latino family the right way. “Well, I better let you go of you’ll miss you flight. Tell Justin I say hi. Call me when you land. I want to make sure you safe. Tell Mandy I said hi as well,” he said crashing my train of thought. “Will do dad. I love you,” I smiled and reached on the tips of my toes to kiss his cheek. “Love you too Sel. Be careful. Call me!” he called to me as I walked away waving. I checked in my bags and went through security before going into the first class seats on the plane. I plopped down into my head and pulled out my phone to check for any messages before I had to turn it on airplane mode. Unfortunately, there were no messages from Justin. I shot Taylor a quick text before heading off. Hey Tay. I’m on my way home right now to ‘surprise’ Justin. Keep it on the DL. Love ya. XO I hit the send button and slid the iPhone back into my pocket. I settled into my seat, trying to make myself comfortable, when I heard a voice say, “Excuse me Miss. Is this seat taken?” I shook my head and then opened my eyes to see the exact same boy from on the plane ride here. My mouth dropped opened and my eyes widened. “You have got to be kidding me,” I mumbled under my breath. Lord only knew what was in store for this plane ride. *Justin’s POV* Today had been a really productive day. I had gone to the studio to have my meeting with the heads of the label. They had talked about a whole bunch of boring stuff that I didn’t bother listening to because Scooter would tell me a million times again later. Selena had been gone now for a little over two day, and honestly, I was missing her so much. We hadn’t even had a chance to talk and we barely sent each other texts. In fact the only text I remember getting was Selena telling me when she was coming home which I thought was really weird and random. Kate and Emma had been a real joy to be around these past few days. Kate had thankfully kept some distance, not as much as I wanted but enough. It was also amazing that I was able to spend a lot of time with my daughter. It was crazy seeing all the things that she got from me. She walked like me and even talked like I did. She had my eyes and the color of my hair even though it was curly like Kate’s. She was such a joy to be around. And even though I was missing Selena, I wished that every day was like this. It was like we were a little family. In a way it also felt like practice for when Selena and I had a family. We all sat on the sofa cuddled up together. Emma had her head on my lap and her legs sprawled across Kate’s lap. We had a movie playing softly in the background. “Should we take her up to her room to sleep?” I asked looking at Kate. She shook her head, “She’s okay.” I nodded and brushed her hair back softly with my hand as she drifted into sleep. After a while, Emma fell asleep and Kate and I began talking about everything and nothing at the same time. We were really bonding when all of a sudden her lips crushed into mine. It wasn’t a short and simple kiss it was deep and meaningful. Before I even had a chance to push her away, the door opened and in walked Selena. Before she could even breathe her mouth dropped open and tears began to fill her eyes. I stared at her wided eyed. I slowly slid Emma off my lap walking over to her, “Selena, it’s not what it looks like. She kissed me, I didn’t kiss her.” Selena picked up her bags that were in her hands and walked back to the door. As she got to the door she turned her head around to me, “I’ll be here tomorrow to pick up my things.” And without another word she was gone.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Jun 2013 20:32:42 +0000

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