Broken Record 13Oct2013 There is a broken record playing at my - TopicsExpress


Broken Record 13Oct2013 There is a broken record playing at my current residence. It is the repeating sound of yet another threat of a deadline for me to move out. My father has informed me that he wants me to move out in a week. I would certainly comply if it were possible. I would move out right now if that were the case, why wait a week? This deadline threat brings the total somewhere around twenty-something times my father has displayed this disconnect with reality. There is simply no credibility with anything he says anymore. For the uninformed, it was my father’s false statement that my fraudulent arrest was based upon. Combined with the criminal conspiracy of others, including one or more Rutherford County Sheriff’s deputies, that arrest remains on my record preventing employment. My father is certainly aware of these facts and has been made aware of the impediment to employment he has created but still the same broken record plays. The mental deterioration I’m observing in him continues. So what will happen in a week? Will it turn out to be just more of my father’s mindless rambling? Or will my father team up with the Sheriff of Alden Cove Drive, Rutherford County, TN again? Will Rutherford County Sheriff’s deputies be called out again to dispense more corruption? Do they really think I will be inclined to play the fool again? This broken record continuously leaves everything in my life up in the air. The broken sounds, of the broken mind, of a broken man. My father desperately needs professional mental medical help for the issues he’s dealing with. I’ve done my part and reported his aggressive behavior to what was supposed to be the proper authorities only to be arrested for a crime I didn’t commit. My father can’t be talked into seeking that medical help, frankly now, he can’t be convinced of anything because he is right and everyone else is wrong. So when and how will this disaster end? Understand. My father attacked me the morning of 14Nov2012, threatening to stab me with a screwdriver. He is proven to be a danger to the people around him. In these posts, I’ve commented specifically on the negative impacts perpetrated upon me because I can account for them accurately. I am not the only person my father’s issues are affecting. Not only is my mother under constant threat from the next time my father goes berserk, there are additional threats more subtle in nature. For example, about a week and a half ago, my father decreed that no more groceries will be purchased because their price is too high. He’s gone through these spats on several occasions in the past. Typically lasting two to three weeks before the hunger forces my mother to reign him back in. The lack of proper nutrition degrades a person’s immune system opening one up to additional and more severe illness. My mother is far more susceptible to illness than I. I’ve noticed an increase in the frequency of sickness of my mother most likely generated by the improper nutrition. I worry when she might really get into trouble. Don’t try to discuss nutrition with my father. His idea of dinner these days is a cup of ice-cream. When I said, “…a danger to the people around him,” that includes the neighbors. With the exception of the “Sheriff” across the street, just ask the neighbors about their dealings with my father. They will confirm my statements of irrational and aggressive behavior. I’ve managed to scrape together some food for the coming week, thanks to a good friend, so we’ll see where my father’s latest threat leads. And to think, all I’m trying to do is to get to work. Unemployment sucks, especially when it is imposed upon you.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 18:21:17 +0000

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