Bruce Lindner A serious question for my Republican friends. And - TopicsExpress


Bruce Lindner A serious question for my Republican friends. And yes, Im REALLY asking. What is it about this president and your party? Why, right from the get-go, did prominent Republicans vow to make him a one term president? Why, for the first time in modern times did a sitting U.S. Congressman call him a liar from his seat within the Peoples House, then use that outburst as a fundraiser? Why did some of even the most top tier candidates running against him decline to refute the nonsensical birth certificate stories? Or his religion? Or his education? Why dont any Republican Senators call out the Rush Limbaughs and the Sean Hannitys of our public airwaves, who refer to the First Lady as a cow and the President himself as a criminal? In short, why this level of disrespect? Weve never seen anything quite like it before. Hes been from the start, the most even tempered president Ive seen in my lifetime. Hes had to listen for six years, as an increasingly right-leaning and sputteringly ANGRY conservative movement has smeared him, distorted his record, lied nonstop about his policies, his achievements, his past, his family, even his dog. Hes far from the most liberal President weve ever had, and when it comes to ethics and integrity, hes hardly in the same league as ANY Republican president in recent years. At worst, hes tried to offer a clumsily introduced healthcare plan to millions of Americans so that the rest of us wont get stuck with their bills. And at best, he reversed an economic catastrophe he inherited on Election Day 2009, cut a $1.3 trillion deficit by two thirds, oversaw the creation of 10 million new jobs; almost as many as Reagan, Bush Sr. and Bush Jr. combined, hunted down and eliminated the biggest mass murderer in modern American history, kept the nation safe from terrorism for six years - and counting - signed the Lily Ledbetter Act, and last but not least, rescued over a million American jobs related to the auto industry. My conservative friends bristle when anyone so much as suggests theres a racial element to their opposition to him. That their contempt for him is justified by his actions, and that those actions are SO radical, SO antithetical to our national interests that theyre being perfectly reasonable, and it has nothing whatsoever to do with race. Call me skeptical. In an illegal, top secret operation not shared with Congress, Ronald Reagan sold missiles to the Iranians then used the money from those sales to fund a right-wing terrorist group in Central America. When caught red-handed, nobody in Congress so much as uttered the word impeachment. George W. Bush took us to war in Iraq on a casus beli of bald-faced lies which ended up killing 100,000+ Iraqis and 4,500 Americans, put the entire $1 trillion cost of the war on credit, pushed through two tax cuts which went primarily to the top 1%, the cost of which again went on the national credit card. Vice President Cheney, Bushs personal and political advisor Karl Rove and Cheneys aid Scooter Libby were all involved in a scandal that DELIBERATELY EXPOSED the undercover status of a CIA operative; a woman who had been tasked with locating nuclear materials amongst potential terrorist groups, threatening both her life and potentially, the national security of the United States. And even then, nobody mentioned impeachment. But Barack Obama? Hes different. Mainstream conservative journalists are now tossing the concept of impeachment about on a regular basis. Charles Krauthammer just last week threatened the president that articles of impeachment would be justified if he dares to sign an Executive Order on immigration reform. So what is it? Lying to Congress about selling arms to the Ayatollah, funneling those profits to Nicaraguan Contras, lying about WMDs for months on end, dragging the country to a disastrous war based on blatant lies told by the Vice President and SecDef then blaming their failure on the CIA, outing an undercover agent whod been putting her life on the line in an effort to protect us from loose nukes, ignoring a document warning of an imminent bin Laden attack, bungling bin Ladens capture, torpedoing the U.S. economy and dragging the rest of the world down with us, deliberately obstructing the peoples RIGHT to vote in predominantly black and Hispanic areas ... all just another day at the office when a Republicans in the White House. No talk of impeachment from anyone. But Barack Obama? Hes different. His record must be WORSE than any of the above, right? Its either that, or theres something else about him that our Republican pals dont like. So what is it if not race?
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 19:31:59 +0000

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