Bureaucrats are the real masters of the kingdom of Pakistan; they - TopicsExpress


Bureaucrats are the real masters of the kingdom of Pakistan; they are the people who do what they want in the kingdom, they have the ultimate power and if they want to proved life to a dead body they can, and can snatch the right of living from a man. They are the people who take bribes from the people against their duties and services, they are the people who provide guidelines to other corrupt people, to how legalize the illegal doings, they are the supporters of political leaders and corrupt people, and they are the ones who misuse their power. Ever you sense that the son of high profile bureaucrats how use official vehicles having government name plates for their personal use and tours, ever you sense that none of a police man and traffic warden can charge them and their family members for their wrong doings, my country fellows can you visit the office of these office bearers for your public right, can you ask them about their work which is impossible. They are the people if want to bring positive change can bring but how and who will do, most them are corrupt and others are silent. Most of them were appointed illegally with favoritism and nepotism, if a man came through back doors so how we can expect justice from them. Ever any department responsible for accountability of these departments asked the that when you were joining the service you were from a middle class family but today you have lands, farmhouses, expensive vehicles, more than one plot in the sophisticated locations and have monthly expenses above than your salary, from where it comes and how you achieved all these within your salaries. Country fellows it’s not enough, did you people witnessed that kids of the common man are studying in the government schools and their kids are studying in the expensive schools of the city, dear am not against the expensive schools but if the kids of the school teacher, lecture, professor, director of education, health secretary, home secretary and other government servants are studying in those school, it means that the stander of the government schools are not good and if really it is not good than take action for that, that why the government schools education is not satisfactory because of you people. I think and suggest that there must be a rule and law, which will force that the kids of the government employee or servants (low to high grade/scale), political leaders and all of the army and bureaucrats will be studying in government schools than may the education system, health system and many other department’s efficiency would increase. With many others, these are the reason that our master lards lost their credibility and reliability in the community. My dear deaf and dumb country fellows, my deadly sleeping youth of the country come out and wake up if you will not ask for your rights no one in this jungle will give you, your rights. Continue ……….
Posted on: Wed, 04 Sep 2013 05:13:50 +0000

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