Business tip of the Day: Dont give fish away. TEACH people to - TopicsExpress


Business tip of the Day: Dont give fish away. TEACH people to fish! Its SO easy for the veterans in this industry to want to do it all for their teams...because you want their success SO BAD! The good news is, you can get them that success AND teach them at the same time!! How do you do this? 1. RESIST the urge to give them all the answers....rather, SHOW them where they are. Teach them to be resourceful. In this day and age of technology, the information they seek is typically available at the click of a button! 2. Dont keep doing the work for them. Dont keep running the parties, meetings, Private Business Receptions or whatever your company calls them - Do ONE and then watch them do the 2nd one, offering your advice. But if you keep doing it, they will think their success is tied to you and if you are not there, that they might fail. This gives them confidence that they can do it, and succeed at the same time - with or without you! 3. Dont EVER EVER EVER call a prospect for your team, even if the prospects asks. Why? Because first of all, one of the MOST IMPORTANT aspects of a 3-way call is that your business partner is LEARNING - what you are saying, how you handle objections, the questions you ask, the posture you have, etc. Also, the other important aspect is that you MUST properly introduce your prospect with your support team and edify them! If a millionaire calls a prospect and the prospect doesnt know who the person is, then why should they want to listen?? 4. Dont ever pay for someone to join your business, events or trainings. I learned from some of the most brilliant minds in leadership and business that people do not value what they do not pay for. By pay for it - that may mean that they won a contest, achieved a goal or something else to earn it. Instead, create VALUE. Your job isnt to lead a horse to water. Your job is to make the horse so thirsty that it BEGS you to bring it to the water. There is a HUGE difference. Create VALUE. 5. Set up realistic expectations from the VERY FIRST MEETING with your prospect that their success or failure is 100% up to them. That you are there to guide, help, mentor, teach and motivate them, to run with them, but that they are starting a business. Dont use phrases like are you ready to join the team - Instead use Are you ready to start your business. Words are powerful at setting expectations. 6. And lastly, and MOST IMPORTANT of ALL - DO NOT build someones team with YOUR prospects. People want to do this all the time for family and friends. Do you take all of them to your job? Why is this different! Its a BUSINESS that can earn you a 6 or 7 figure income! Treat it that way!! If someone cant hit the first 1-2 goals in the company, they cant teach others to do it either and most likely will never go to the top, unless they invest in their business, their personal development and their time. Be a teacher, a mentor, a coach, a counselor - but NEVER an enabler. #NoExcuses #DreamBig #Teachtofish #Leadnotgive #investinyou As always, if you enjoyed this, please like and TAG and SHARE as you wish, but if you share, please give credit where it belongs! Happy Hump Day!
Posted on: Wed, 14 May 2014 20:22:36 +0000

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