“““ But on the contrary, when they saw that the gospel for - TopicsExpress


“““ But on the contrary, when they saw that the gospel for the uncircumcised had been committed to me, as the gospel for the circumcised was to Peter (for He who worked effectively in Peter for the apostleship to the circumcised also worked effectively in me toward the Gentiles), and when James, Cephas, and John, who seemed to be pillars, perceived the grace that had been given to me, they gave me and Barnabas the right hand of fellowship, that we should go to the Gentiles and they to the circumcised. They desired only that we should remember the poor, the very thing which I also was eager to do. Now when Peter had come to Antioch, I withstood him to his face, because he was to be blamed; for before certain men came from James, he would eat with the Gentiles; but when they came, he withdrew and separated himself, fearing those who were of the circumcision. And the rest of the Jews also played the hypocrite with him, so that even Barnabas was carried away with their hypocrisy. But when I saw that they were not straightforward about the truth of the gospel, I said to Peter before them all, “If you, being a Jew, live in the manner of Gentiles and not as the Jews, why do you compel Gentiles to live as Jews? We who are Jews by nature, and not sinners of the Gentiles, knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law but by faith in Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Christ Jesus, that we might be justified by faith in Christ and not by the works of the law; for by the works of the law no flesh shall be justified.’’’’’’ - Galatians 2:7-16 In the above portion, the apostles of Jesus Christ after His ascension, were known to be living and fellowshipping together in oneness, but the only thing that brought misunderstanding between them was the ‘‘law of circumcision’’, which is of Jewish origin, negating that of the Gentiles who were uncircumcised. The disagreement occurred between the apostles because Peter and a few other apostles who were assigned to preach the gospel to the Jews still had some hypocritical soft spot for circumcision, in the absence of the uncircumcised. And when Paul who was assigned to the Gentiles perceived the hypocritical fragrance in Peter and other apostles, He simply told them the truth, having been deceived to persecute good people by thesame fragrance of the old wine rooted in the law, which does not justify salvation except by faith through grace (JESUS). LAW = Assignment/burden/curse/workload (born of sin/awareness of sin) FAITH = Grace/love/reconciliation/strength (born of obedience/awareness of righteousness) Now, the above windows of the LAW and FAITH as illustrated, are two opposite things, where law is negative and faith being positive (solution). There is no way a man, as weak as he/she is, could have been saved by adding burden upon him/herself. This is why Jesus Christ died on the cross (NEWS), so that He may become for us, the grace to obey the law. Law cannot obey itself; one needs the grace of God to obey the law. The law came because man’s nature was weak and evil, and what an evil nature requires to be saved is not to to put more burden, but to abide by the doctrines of solution which was evident in Jesus Christ, by offering and revealing Himself as the bread/food/, a symbol of LOVE. Hunger = natural to man (burden/curse/pain) Food = solution to man (economic) There is no law that mandates a person to eat, neither is there a law mandating anyone to go hungry by fasting. These two opposite things are done according to one’s choice. This means that the foundation on which genuine faith is based, is nothing but choice/freedom/freewill/democracy/. It is no longer news to the globe that countries where democracy is absent or deficient are all wrecked in crises, which has underdevelopment, poverty, poor academic standards among other negative indices as results. This is because freedom is only guaranteed to a nation that has true democracy, since freedom allows someone to make his choice of personal service of discovering electricity, which is now an object of solution to nations. This is why JESUS had the power to overthrow Cesar Augustus as leader of the Roman Empire, but He didn’t, because He knew that Christianity can only thrive as a non-governmental organization, since man is given the freedom to make his choice as part of the gift from origin. But everyone is a member of the society or nation by birth, and not by choice like religion. For this reason, all men must be under the Supreme Law of his country irrespective of how the nationality is conceived. The Dangers Of Religious Divisions To Nations It is better for a nation to be divided by tribe, racism, culture or any other background issue than for it to be divided by religion. Religious wine or fragrance intoxicates the sight and mind of individuals especially where it is highly concentrated with sentiments. Religion itself is the fake side of righteousness or hypocrisy, lacking the content of LOVE as the basis. Real faith is LOVE/GRACE/FREEWILL. So, religion breeds sentiment, and sentiment gives birth to disunity and insecurity, which tells on the economic environment or platform, and scare investment trust by would be investors to a nation. A nation where sentiment is not based on religion has a platform that would surely match true democratic principles, economic growth and development. Sentiment is insecurity itself, and a house where evil spirit resides such as greed, hatred, malice and others. This is mainly encouraged by ‘false teachers’ especially those who have connections with politicians as tools. Evil spirit use them through Politicians to preach enmity and keep the members separate for reigning days of their political harvest. This is why religion doesn’t criticize its members when they are wrong, because cultism is also a religion under one covenant wrong or right, and always ready to defend their fellow members. Take for instance the sharia law, since I ever heard of the law, there was never a time a highly placed Muslim was punished under the sharia law, the way it is enforced on the common Muslims. To the sharia law, every Muslim politician and highly placed people are seen to be above the law. Whereas the amputees and other victims of the sharia law enforcements are pushed into crime courtesy of the evils done by the highly placed ones, who are not giving to the people what they need to be law-abiding. In a case where extreme poverty and other negative vulnerabilities are evident in a society, obedience becomes very difficult even to a saint or angel, how much more a weak flesh. There wouldn’t have been any law if man was an angel. Solution Russia is world’s biggest ‘country’ and about the 9th largest populated ‘nation’. Such country already has its challenges, because if it takes 20 million dollars to construct a road linking two different towns in Italy for instance, it may take 20 times above that amount or more to meet similar responsibility in Russia, because of her land mass in square kilometres. The same can be said of plane or bus tickets, if it takes an Italian, 100 euro to be airlifted/travel to any city, that of Russia may cost more resources and money to be airlifted to any city, because the plane or bus will have to consume more aviation fuel/PMS to cover the distance. In this case, national cohesion becomes more challenging, and requires more economic boost and development to meet the demand. Now, concerning majority and minority as it relates to Russia, is not a curse or a problem, but a blessing meant to help define the point of effective relationship among her citizens. If there is no difference between horizontal and vertical, how will the NEWS point be defined? The constitutional challenges brought about by the sharia law minority in Russia who are of Islamic inclination are there to help determine the faith of the Russia majority. The tare may be harmful to the wheat, but it also help the farmer to be cautious, and create jobs for labourers, determining the sharpness of the security operatives (hoe blade) and its economic dimension to solution. Minority of Russia = horizontal (team A) Majority of Russia = vertical (team B) RUSSIA = Cross (match/unity/love determination) For a cross-over relationship to occur in Russia, everybody must be treated equally under one constitutional supremacy and sovereignty irrespective of political, religious and other forms of differences. Also, Russia must define in her constitution that religion MUST remain a non-governmental organization just as any group or private sector operating in Russia. She must not allow the government to be open to sentiments arising from both citizens of the divide. The leaders also should seek adequate legislation banning religion from having its way into the government, and allow everybody to do their prayers in their Houses and in their Hearts in the same way they have their meals. The government should be seen by all her citizens as a vineyard and platform for Skills and Love exhibition and contribution to all, allowing the private sector to drive the economy as a tax haven. Lastly, the nation’s leadership must understand hence, that the best security strategy for any nation where opposing citizens emerge as majority and minority, is nothing but economic strategy/prosperity, manifesting through job creation and SMEs, to engage the citizens and dilute the fragrance of the old wine inherent in them, which is behind all forms of crises globally. When JESUS gave bread on the night before His betrayal, He was simply revealing the economy as the purpose of power. This is why the judgement of the nations as given in Mat. 25:31-46, is established on economic grounds. And the wheat and tare both enjoy the provisions from God, so Russia should also be and live judgement to God. Religion, culture, tradition, racism and other forms of divisions are products of the old wine. The solution to having a united Russia or any nation is to work with democratic principles of solution and necessity, placing it above any other concern. This is why the bible is centred on Charity working by faith (Gal. 5:6) And strengthening the institutes to recreate the populace based on the principles of Skills and Love as the only thing that matters to a nation. Democracy allows an open government of all citizens and aliens to partake, and as well open the system for private investors within the country to invest in other countries, and learn new things by mixing with other countries. This in turn rebound in huge from the transport and aviation sectors. Skill = food/clothing/shelter/infrastructures/entertainment (Economy) Love = democracy/peace/unity/service/administrative transparency (Polity) LORD JESUS, it is not that Israel committed any offence to warrant their stay in the wilderness for 40-years after 430-years and located in the midst of people unlike origins. Your vision for them warranted it, in order not to spare the rod and spoil the child. Your vision for them as a specimen in the laboratory has made Israel a sophisticated laboratory. We ask LORD, that You be a husband to Russia and put in them Your fragrance of LOVE, to put behind the past experiences and see it to be a wilderness to make Your love have its full work in them for national transformation, since love suffers long, is patient and kind. Strengthen their economy and unite them for greater heights, we pray! Lad
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 12:23:14 +0000

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