But the whoops and catcalls that greeted a question from a girl - TopicsExpress


But the whoops and catcalls that greeted a question from a girl named Georgia showed this young crowd was very much attuned to the current political battle. “Considering the society that we live in today what’s your stance on women in leadership positions?” “I’m all for it,” said Rudd. “And I was very proud to run for office in 2007 with Australia’s first woman deputy leader of the party who then became Australia’s first deputy prime minister and then later Australia’s first woman prime minister. Equally proud of the fact that on my recommendation we appointed Australia’s first woman governor general.” He warmed to his theme: “Let me tell you, if you are a woman in Australia today, the world is your oyster. If you run into any obstacle, any glass ceiling, any bloke, just tell them to get lost.” If only it were that easy.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Jun 2013 03:10:18 +0000

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