But where did we get the idea that our food should be as cheap as - TopicsExpress


But where did we get the idea that our food should be as cheap as possible? Do we not know that, when food is cheap to us, it is costly to someone else? Regular baking cocoa is cheaper than its fair trade equivalent, at least in part, because only a tiny portion of its profits goes to its growers. They are paid such pitiful wages that they have little freedom to advance beyond their circumstances. Thats often the cost of our cheap food. Adding insult to injury, while large chocolate companies pay pennies to their growers, they pay millions to their CEOs. For Christians, of course, the question is not, Is it costly to do the right thing—to do justice and love mercy? (Micah 6:8). We know that answer is yes. For Jesus tells us that the cost of discipleship is high (Luke 14:25-33). The question for us is, Will the cost be worth it? That is, If we commit ourselves to ethical food sourcing, will the higher prices we pay be worth it? Much more on a Christians duty to consider where their food comes from here: thegospelcoalition.org/article/do-you-know-where-your-food-comes-from/
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 12:00:01 +0000

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