By Daniel Merrick: Here is the truth about the matter from an - TopicsExpress


By Daniel Merrick: Here is the truth about the matter from an Army Trained Officer (Me): During my years in the service I worked for Pinkerton and was trained in the National Guard on civil defense and police operations including the levels of force and rules of engagement in civil police actions. The rules of engagement and the properly accessorized equipment for police in the field like a soldier in civil defense actions is instructed on use of force. This is why use of tear-gas, pepper spray, tazers, p38 or other night-sticks (riot Baton) used properly are standard equipment for these operations. Deadly Force is only used in the event of deadly force situations. This is not the case in many unlawful deaths like the one in New York with a chock-hold, and causes questions with not just the Brown case, but also the shooting of a 12 year old in Cleveland. Many people have complained about police actions and failure to take action in many places across this nation. It is not just a black thing, but a citizen thing that has resulted in many seeking licenses to arm themselves under the 2nd amendment for personal protection. The best suggestion that has come out of this is the idea of mandatory camera feeds for all police and national guard in a civil action to insure that truthful witness is unbiased by personal emotions and racial identity. Violence is not the answer when people who were not even involved in the matter are burned out of businesses and cars and property damage causes lose and insurance claims. Here are the facts about Brown and what he did. 1, He Stole some cigars 2. He got violent with police 3. He rushed the police 4. He fought with police 5. He lost the fight due to being shoot dead Here are the facts about Wilson the cop: 1. He engaged Brown 2. He told Brown to stop and comply with being arrested 3. He got beat up by Brown 4. He moved to deadly force he claims because he thought Brown may have a weapon. 5. He did not use any Tazer or Pepper spray to try to subdue Brown. Here is the facts about this case. The Grand Jury consisting of both White and Black members did not indite Wilson. The Brown Family has grounds to sue Wilson, Ferguson the city, and the State for use of deadly force against an unarmed civilian. The real issue here is not that police defended themselves against a violent suspect, but the level of force used without proper escalation of force to subdue the suspect during arrest. The riots are not because of the Grand Jury decision. It is an excuse for violent criminals to steal and destroy private property. Many of the businesses burned out last night were black owned and is nothing less than misdirected anger. It is Black racists that inspire these riots and has nothing to do with Brown or the Brown family who called for peace and calm. In many places it is fear about the black activists and extremists like Black Panthers and Farrakhan groups who are clearly preaching hate against whites that has been leading the riots and violence since the 1960s. The Caucasian have not rioted against blacks in over 50 years in this country to prevent equal opportunity or inspired violence and hate against blacks. In fact, many white commentaries have been in favor of a more color-blind society and like me have done DNA Genealogy work to give rise to support of the common African roots we all as humans share. Until the instigators of hate have been silenced and ignored for more reasonable and educated voices of truth about racial issues and cooperation, this kind of violence will continue due to the uninformed and uneducated being played by black voices of hate who say inflammatory comments like Greek homos and run to the fire to throw gasoline on it. As a Caucasian-American, I have sat by and watched as the media and TV shows bashed any comments or use of the N-word which is used daily in the Rap and Black Communities, while Sanford and Son and the Jeffersons used HONKEY on TV and put laugh tracks behind debasing racist pretense of comedy that added up to nothing less than Hate Whitey. I grew up in the black community on East 140th Street in Cleveland and left their for 2 reasons: Tired of violence and theft committed against me just because I am white. Ingratiation does not work where hate lives. You want peace, then make it just as hard for a black comedian or commentator to use the H or W-Word on air as it is for whites to use the N-word. Besides the truth of the educated FACTS are that no Caucasian in America is free from African Blood and DNA and the scientific proof that I am just as African as you has been proven by Science and published on Discovery Channel and History Channel over and over the last few years. As my Black friends know, from my Facebook posts, I have published my Family Tree DNA showing that we may think we are from one tribal identity, only to discover by DNA that we are in fact many tribal groups from many grandfathers and grandmothers throughout time. So you may see my face as Caucasian-American when in fact I am a Jewish, Levite, Black, African, Irish, Welsh, French, Russian, Asian, Semite with a family tree of over 12,000 documented grandparents from many cultures throughout time documented at MerrickFoundation.Org and Ancestry Com. Which is what brings us to the facts of the real problem with these matters in America which is getting special privileges due to your skin color rather than your abilities. I have no doubt that those burning down Ferguson last night were not the Jack and Jill members who went to Howard University. No, they are the poor and uneducated who have bought the idea that someone held them back due to the color of their skin and used it as an excuse to become a welfare mentality who uses crime as a tool to survive because they refuse to learn the truth and choose better ways to live. In fact we have more of these Welfare mentality cases in the white community with the most food stamps households being in fact whites who bought this same lie of poverty from the democrats who sold them out for power and a communist state run system to redistribute the wealth to those who do not work or try to make their lives better. No matter how arrogant the rap or how you glorify cocky attitudes and violence, you can not escape the truth of the Bible: What you plant is what you harvest If you live by the sword you shall die by it.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 22:46:21 +0000

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