By Mark Pallanto (11/2/14) As you can see, the level of - TopicsExpress


By Mark Pallanto (11/2/14) As you can see, the level of deception, lying, and outright cold-hearted energy which flows through this man is staggering, despicable and vile, even by Republican and any politicians standards. John Dean, Richard Nixons aide who blew the lid off the Watergate cover-up, had this to say about $cott Walker: “If I lived in Wisconsin, I would be uncomfortable with this man, whom I find more Nixonian than even Richard Nixon himself. Dean also added that Walkers lying is notorious. The $cott Walker first term: --- Tax Cuts for BIG CORPORATIONS --- Deregulation for Businesses so they can pollute at will and focus on profit$ no matter who or what they harm --- Out-of-state corporation$ have been offered to have their taxes eliminated while workers wages stagnate and Walker opposes minimum wage increases --- Cut funding to Public Schools --- Destroyed public workers rights to collectively bargain for fair wages --- Seeks to eliminate the living wage for local government contracts --- Wisconsin ranks 37th in the country for job creation. 37th! --- When Jim Doyle left office, Wisconsin ranked 11th in job creation --- Since Scott Walker took office, Wisconsin ranks 37th in job creation. Pathetic . --- Has repeatedly lied about his knowledge of his aides being involved in working on taxpayer dollars for Walkers own campaign --- Wanted to send thugs into the protesters who opposed his assault on workers rights in 2011. This is documented on tape --- Walkers desire of sending in these goons to disrupt the 2011 protests is a blatant disregard for the public safety of women, children and our Madison Police Officers. --- Walker proved his ignorance of history and the great necessity of Unions which created the middle class, gave us the 40 hour work week, safer work conditions and the rights of workers to collectively bargain for wages. Any profession worth its weight knows this. That is why there are Police and Firefighters Unions. --- Walker showed his blatant disrespect and disregard for the blood, sweat and tears of the Labor Movement: On Labor Day, 1980, RONALD REAGAN had this to say about Unions: Where Free Unions and Collective Bargaining are Forbidden, Freedom is Lost. --- Walker Opposed Same Day Voter Registration. In a true Democracy, you never make it more difficult for voters to participate in the election process, you make it more accessible for ALL citizens, but Walker clearly does NOT believe in Democracy. --- The Voter ID Laws pushed by Walker exist to alienate the elderly and the poor, for they are the groups most likely to have no IDs or out-dated IDs. Once again, this is as desperate as the GOP can get (they have lost 5 of the last 6 popular votes in Presidential Elections so they are running scared) so they have to stack the deck against those voters who traditionally vote Democratic, i.e., the elderly and poor. Proving once again the desperation of the GOP as well as their hatred of open elections. Indeed, Walker proves yet again, he is an enemy of democracy and fears free speech. Such a gutless excuse for a Governor. Kevin Kennedy, director of the state Government Accountability Board which runs Wisconsins elections, said the board has found no more than 20 cases of voter fraud going all the way back to the year 2000. Politifact rated the Republican whining about voter fraud a big fat FALSE. Once again, another lie and another scare tactic from Walker and his cronies. They fear free and open elections. And that is why they are trying to minimalize the turnout for their opposition. And as usual, they pick on the poor and the elderly for their scapegoats. --- Walker signed legislation making it harder for VETERANS to pursue compensation for asbestos exposure --- And Walkers major assault on liberty is how he has tried to force protesters at the Capitol to get a permit to protest. Really, Governor? A permit??? The right of the people, peaceably to assemble, to consult for the common good, and to petition their government, or any department thereof, shall never be abridged. -- Wisconsin State Constitution, Article 1, Section 4 Remember that part in the Bill of Rights where Free Speech and Free Assembly are guaranteed provided the citizen requesting those freedoms does so upon the approval of his or her permit request? I dont remember that last part, either. Because if you have to ask your government for permission to protest it, then you never had the right to protest your government in the first place. ------ Carl Gibson, Co-Founder US Uncut The man is an enemy of Free Speech. That makes him a dictator. A true coward. ---- Sought to exempt Rent-to-own businesses from the Wisconsin Consumer Act. Walker’s proposal would exclude rent-to-own companies and rent-to-own purchase agreements from provisions of Wisconsin’s consumer protection laws and create specific laws for the industry. Under his plan, rent-to-own companies could not be required to disclose their annual percentage rates. These businesses prey on the poor while charging massive interest rates. ---- Turned down stimulus money for the High Speed Rail which would have linked Chicago, Milwaukee, Madison, La Crosse and the Twin Cities. This was a devastating blow to Madisons economy and the state as a whole. The Rail project would have created jobs in Milwaukee to build the cars for markets all over America. They also would have created more American jobs to supply them because under the Recovery (stimulus) Act, 60% of every part used in the trains had to come from U.S. manufacturers. This would have marked Wisconsin as a full participant in the new economy. The Los Angeles Times had this message for Wisconsinites who support Walker: Thanks a billion, cheeseheads. They benefited as the funds Walker turned down were re-directed to them. --- Has refused federal money for ObamaCare which would have provided health care for millions. The American Cancer Society blasted Walker for ignoring reality, and for refusing to explore a robust, consumer-friendly health exchange designed specifically for Wisconsin which would greatly expand access to care to those who need it most, while preserving what already works. --- Forbes magazine placed Wisconsin 41st in its 2013 “Best States for Business” rankings, behind states such as Nebraska (6th), Minnesota (8th) and Iowa (12th). Looking to the future the updated Forbes list also projects Wisconsin will be 45th in the nation in job growth through 2016. 45th! Once again, how pathetic! --- Walker and his puppet masters, the Koch Brothers, have created nothing in the way of jobs. These men are not creators, they are destroyers. They are nothing more than rich people convincing whats left of middle class people that poor people are the problem. We know what they want --- low-paying, non-union, non-benefit jobs --- the type of jobs where a person needs 2 and 3 of them just to survive. They seek less for you and more for themselves. And now they want your medicare, medicaid and Social Security so that they can privatize it all and bring back the days when labor was not organized, women had no voices, and workers had no rights. Send them and Scott Walker back to whatever 19th century rock they crawled out from under. They are indicative of all the selfish corporations which receive millions and billions in taxpayer subsidies. Thats called Corporate Welfare and it costs YOU, the taxpayers, billions every year. Remember --- at the rate Walker is driving our state into the ground, Wisconsin is projected to be 45th in job growth by 2016. And we are on the fast track for more erosion of our Civil Liberties as long as he remains Governor. The man is an enemy of Free Speech. Throw this sorry excuse for a Governor and human being out of office and PLEASE VOTE for MARY BURKE. FOR A BETTER, HONEST FUTURE FOR WISCONSIN, Sincerely, Mark Pallatino https://facebook/mark.pallatino
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 14:45:40 +0000

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