By Philip Tianda WAR of words between Internal Security Cabinet - TopicsExpress


By Philip Tianda WAR of words between Internal Security Cabinet Secretary, Joseph ole Lenku and Kajiado Central MP, Joseph Nkaissery yesterday intensified after the latter alleged the former is a political “greenhorn”. Nkaissery, who was reacting to Lenku’s remarks that he was being fought by the Kajiado Central MP during his homecoming party in Lenkisim, Kajiado South, said he has no apologies to make to the Cabinet Secretary because he (Lenku) who started the war. Speaking for the first time after the recent cabinet meeting with President Uhuru Kenyatta and Deputy President William Ruto during a five-day retreat, Lenku on Saturday had warned Nkaissery against poking his nose into security docket saying he was not appointed by the government by default but by the trust it had in him. But the MP said Lenku went against him in recruiting chiefs from his clan in disregard of government laid policies and completely ignoring qualified people who has passed interviews in Kajiado County. “He started this war and I will not back down until Lenku comes before me to ask for forgiveness. What is he implying here? As a matter of fact it is me who recommended that he be hired as cabinet secretary. I sit in the Parliamentary committee of appointments and did recommend that he be hired as Internal Security CS” said Nkaissery. The legislator said the committee on National security in Parliament chair by Asman Kamama has already summoned Lenku to appear before it to answer questions on how he handled recruitment of chiefs in Kajiado recently. “It is not me who has summoned him, it is the committee and he should stop dragging my name into petty issues and mud he is stuck in. I am his elder and as such he should treat me so. We have been in politics for long and if he is dreaming to be one, let him consult widely,” advised Nkaissery. During the homecoming party, which was also attended by ODM politicians from the backyard of Nkaissery in Kajiado Central Constituency along with Kajiado South MP Katoo ole Metito, Lenku said responding to Nkaissery’s attack in Parliament that he was incompetent is inconsequential because he is a nationalist. Katoo is said to have pleaded with Lenku during the party that he should not raise the issue of Nkaissery’s alleged attack on him when he is given a chance to address his guests but on receiving the microphone he went head-on on the Kajiado MP. The Kajiado MP later on confirmed to the Star that he had actually pleaded with Lenku not mention anything about Nkaissery. Nkaissery yesterday also confirmed that he had sent Katoo to talk to Lenku over the “mistakes” he had committed. “This man does not know that I am his elder. He is so naïve that he is trampling on the feet of the people who mentored him. I brought him from darkness to where he is and am telling to know people. He cannot just go and please my political opponents by employing their relatives as chiefs against my wish,” said Nkaissery over the phone. Lenku had remarked that the Masasai leaders who have held served government in the previous regimes have never let Kenyans down, “From Julius Sunkuli, George Saitoti and Katoo ole Metito, the country stayed steady while they were security ministers, why me now?” “I am a national figure and telling Nkaissery that I measure to my requirement in the government. That is petty I am even wondering why am replying to his alleged remarks,” added Lenku. Meanwhile, elders from Kangare, Matapato and Ilkisonko clans of the Maasai called on Lenku and Nkaissery to stop attacking each other. Led by John Loisa and John ole Seki, the leaders said they will strive to unite the two. Seki, who also the chairman of Kajiado Sub-County Peace Committee and a former senior chief under President Daniel; arap Moi’s regime, said he has summoned elders from Lenku’s (Ilkisonko clan) and Nkaissery’s (Matapato clan) and those from Kangare clan to convene in Kajiado on Monday next week to resolve the issue. Ends
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 10:48:45 +0000

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