By the request of the Tenets in Chief of the Crown of Atenveldt, - TopicsExpress


By the request of the Tenets in Chief of the Crown of Atenveldt, the assembled Barons and Baroness present at the Investiture of their cousins, Lutold and Elspeth to the Crowns Barony of Granite Mountain, the tale of Our Society, Our Kingdom, and the Lands of Granite Mountain... Craven, My Sovereign High Prince Extraordinaire, My Radiant Royal Elzbieta Fairest of Ladies to wear our Crown, My fellow Barons and Baroness, My good people born noble and true. Greetings my Children, greetings to you all! Yet now pay heed to my Voice and recall our Genesis for it is in Remembrance of those Ancient Times of Sixth Year of the Sixth Decade of the Last Century, in the Land far to our North and West, within the Misty Dews and Damps of the Great Bay of Saint Francis, in the Land of Oaks, where there arose, like a Phoenix, an Intrepid Band of Enlightened People who Valued the Traditions of Honor and Courtesy of Old! In that Strangest of Times and Most Unusual Places, the Origin of our Great Society was formed, and Yea, it was Good! Into that Fair Realm, the Kingdom of the West was born, Renewing that which had been forgotten; those things Honorable; those things of Grace; those things of Virtue that the Common Era had, in its haste, left behind, and Yea, it was again Good! A Thought of Glory, a Spark of Adventure, even a Dream of Love and Romance took Full Bloom in that Fertile Land! Even so, in Time, the Flowering of this Beauty and Gentility grew so Great in its Glory that the Kingdom of our Beginnings could not contain it All! Therefor it came to pass that other Realms of Renown came into being! The Seeds of our Blessed Society were carried by the Winds of Fortune and Providence to places far removed from the West. Yet these Seeds, in their turn, were Bountiful and Strong in their Growing, and it was Good! The distant East Kingdom and the Vast Mid-Realm were the first Daughters of our Great Mother West! But lo, two more seeds found Soil and Grew; two more Daughters came forth from the Western Womb! Mighty Atenveldt and Fearless Caid rose up in being, the Former taking the Sun as its charge to Shine through the Day while her younger Sister took the Moon as her charge to Illuminate all the Night. And the all people of the five Laurel Kingdoms did rejoice and sing, knowing what they had made would Endure! And Yea, this was Good! Many stories, ballads and lays could be told of this combined Society, my Children! While the tale is Wonderful, it is yet Long in the Telling and We have not the Lifetime to hear it All! For us this day, Royal and Noble Folk, we shall hear the Story of the Third Child of the West; She of Unbound Majesty and Wonder! And it is of this Wonder that I now speak! Within the Mighty Realm of Atenveldt, the Seeds of the West took Root, and according to their own Plan and Time, they Prospered and Grew into the Strong, Proud Clans, Households, Tribes and Families we know today! And so it came to be that the Seeds first Found Purchase in the Great Deserts of this Kingdom. Out of the Burning Sands came the Feisty Boar of Tir Ysgithr, yet Before them, the Flaming Laurel Leaves of her Elder Sister to the North, the Bold People who took their Mothers Name, Atenveldt, did arise! And Yea, it was Good! More children Bloomed in their proper time within the Gardens of our Realm: SunDragon, Mons Tonitrus, Twin Moons and Ered Sul and all was Well with the Sun Crown and her People! Yet even as Atenveldt continued to rise in Glory and Wealth, she found that she was once again Miraculously with Child, and Yea, this is Always Good! This expected Child was taken as a sign of things to come, and there was Wonder in the air! For in the Northern Lands where Leafolk Shire, of Happy Memory, once thrived, a New Seedling fell into the Rocks and Stones of The Mountain, Yay, the Granite Mountain! Like its Noble Predecessor of old, it took the form of a Shire, and in fits and starts it Did Grow! Though a time of Strife and Discord Threatened the Roots, still They Clung to the Sturdy Mountain! Winter threw her Snow and Sleet with the Wind Exceedingly Strong! Yet the People were Rugged and True; Fast in their holdings; Safe from all Danger, from Without and from Within! Now even as a River runs its Course, so do the Seasons follow Seasons and the Cold Winter of Despair left, and the Skys were Blue, and All were warmed by the Aten Sun! And Yea, it was Good! In that time of Joy and Happiness, the Crown did take Wisdom and Counsel from Their People, and Recognized that Atenveldt had given Birth to the People of the Stone; The Barony of Granite Mountian! And in so much as this Mystery did take place in the Beauty of the North, it was declared that the Seventh Wonder of Atenveldt, founded as a Barony on the 16,425th Day since the Creation of Grand-Mother West, the Borony of Granite Mountain would join her sisters of this Realm in defending the Highest of Noble Virtues of Our Company; Yea, they being Honor, Duty, Chivalry and Charity! And so it is Good and Well Within Glorious Atenveldt! Thus endeth, My Children, the Tale Most Excellent of Our Gracious Society, Our Sovereign Mother, Mighty Among Her Sister Crowns, Lady Atenveldt Glorious, and Her Noble People of the Mountain; the Barony of Granite Mountain! Amen! Elliott A. A. Gallowglass, Baron and Peer of Atenveldt For the investiture of Lutold and Elsbeth as Third Baron and Baroness of the Barony of Granite Mountain within the Royal Realm of Atenveldt, This Twentieth day of September, being Anno Societatis, Forty and Nine, being Two Thousand and Fourteen Anno Domini. Long live these Sovereign Lands of Atenveldt.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 04:56:13 +0000

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