By time. Indeed, mankind is in loss. One of the only constant - TopicsExpress


By time. Indeed, mankind is in loss. One of the only constant things in this world is that time will pass, as it has always done. It will pass at the rate and speed it has always passed. A minute is 60 seconds. An hour is 60 minutes. A day is 24 hours. Nothing can rewind it, nothing can forward it. Time…it cannot physically be held. It cannot be slowed, or stopped. The passing of time to one person can mean seeing her child grow, blossom and become beautiful. The passing of time can be the vehicle through which one gains wisdom and knowledge. It can see someone through to the peak of a journey that has taken a lifetime to complete. And to some, time passing helps heal deep wounds. And yet to others, time intensifies pain, or causes disease and old age to ravage the body and heart. The passage of time can see a person fall from grace after years of righteousness and commitment. Time can unravel what was once whole. Time seems to “fly” when you’re having fun. But seems to inch forward very slowly at times of embarrassment, pain, heartache and boredom. We never have enough time. But simultaneously have too much of it that we seek out activities to “kill” time. Above all, every person who ever lived to old age will look back on his or her life and say – the time all passed by in the blink of an eye. How strange that time is and has always been consistent and yet used so differently by each person. 60 seconds in a minute. 60 minutes in an hour. 24 hours in a day. But within that time, some reach the pinnacle of existence through worship and courage. And others dither away their valuable moments and have nothing except regret to reflect on. How free from imperfection is Allah, Creator of time. The One who caused it to begin, and the One who will cause it to end. Some seek to beat the clock and rewind time and live in the past. But they can never win against that which pushes forward, regardless of their sad, misdirected wishes. Those who win are those who accept they cannot stop time, and use each hour to be better and do better than in the hour before. “By time; Indeed, mankind is in loss; Except for those who have believed and done righteous deeds and advised each other to truth and advised each other to patience” (103:1-3).
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 01:50:08 +0000

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